Father Prior has made his way back to Tasmania since Sunday afternoon. Having completed the retreat in Wales and the two retreats in Ireland, he went to the Abbey of Flavigny for two days where he was warmly welcomed by the abbot and community. The 6th of July was the 15th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, and he was happy to celebrate it with the two confreres with whom he was ordained: Dom BĂ©nigne Marie Gaillot-Drevon, now choir master of the abbey, and Dom Jean-Bernard Marie Bories, now novice master and subprior of the abbey.
That same day, Father Prior was invited by Abbot Antoine Marie Beauchef to speak to the community about the Tasmanian foundation. He did so for about and hour, showing photos and fielding questions. It was a blessed time, only too short. The next day, he flew back to Hobart, via London, Kuala Lumpur and Melbourne. With great joy he has been reunited to the small community of Notre-Dame.