The Everlasting Man G.K. Chesterton


The Everlasting Man is Chesterton’s Christian vision of the human past. It is grounded in historical fact while being imaginative in conception and unfolding.


The Everlasting Man is Chesterton’s Christian vision of the human past. It is grounded in historical fact while being imaginative in conception and unfolding.

He reveals the startling nature of God’s creative love. In the first of the book’s two sections, “On the Creature Called Man,” he shows the human being to be unique, an artist endowed with a mind and will and a spiritual life rather than an animal subject to earthly appetites. In the book’s second section, “On the Man Called Christ,” he shows Christ to be unique, the completion of God’s creative love in His Son, bringing divine salvation to a human creature who, while invested with supernatural dignity, has forfeited the destiny of an eternal life with God by the misuse of his mind and will.

The Everlasting Man remains as fresh and full of Chesterton’s rich insights as at the time he wrote it, now nearly a century ago.

Karl Schmude,
President of the Australian Chesterton Society and co-founder of Campion College Australia