The best commentary of this week’s oration which contains that magnificent and ever consoling expression, “Deus cuius providentia … non fallitur – God, whose providence never fails”, must certainly be St Paul’s words to the Romans: “we know that to them that love God all things work together unto good” (Rom 8:28).
How consoling is that! Amidst all of our tribulations, sufferings, humiliations, in the face of criticism, persecution and betrayal, we know for certain that if only we love God, everything works together for our good in the end. EVERYTHING, without exception, including our mistakes and past sins as well as the sins of those who hurt us. God’s providence is that great, that powerful, that if only we love God, we know that His providence will never fail, and it will lead us to Himself.
But since our hearts are often so cold, let us ask Our Lady of Cana to tell Jesus: “They have no wine”, and then we can be sure that if only we sincerely do all we can to do whatever He tells us, the insipid water will become the sweet and delicious wine of unfailing love. “Love never fails” (1 Cor 13:8).