Who is this Babe? He is the Eternal, Omnipotent Creator, who holds all things in His tiny hand.
Where is this Babe? He is in a wretched stable for animals, in Bethlehem, that is to say, the City of Bread, for He will one day give Himself to us under the appearance of bread, just as on this night He lies in a manger from which the animals are fed.
When is it? In the heart of winter, on a cold night, while the doors and hearts of all are closed to Him.
For whom is this Babe? He is for us, that we may know the way to the Father and be saved. He is for you. He is for me.
What is He doing? He is fulfilling the Will of the Father, and that will is that He be born in destitution, that He be a silent babe, unable to speak. He saves us through His silence.
Why is He doing it? Because without it, we would be lost.
Let us kneel down and adore, and in the midst of our celebrations, let us never forget that the first Christmas was unbearable. And yet it was borne. Why? Because He loves us. Let us give Him love for love.