The Trinity Matters

Trinity Sunday On this feast of the Blessed Trinity, I feel very much like St Elizabeth of the Trinity who at the end of her famous prayer (copies of which BTW are in the vestibule), mentions being “lost in the immensity”, “immersed in the abyss” of God. It’s difficult to know what to say and […]

God is a Consuming Fire

Pentecost On the evening of Ascension Thursday, the apostles gathered around our Blessed Lady and began to pray. Our Lord had said to wait in the city until the power from on high were to be given. They did not know what that meant exactly, nor how long they were to wait. And so they […]

Profession of BR John Mary

Mary Help of Christians Dear Brother John Mary, Divine Providence has so arranged events that this profession of your first monastic vows takes place under the maternal gaze of Mary Immaculate. Today indeed Australia celebrates its patronal feast, honouring Mary under the title of Auxilium Christianorum, Help of Christians. This title was very much in […]


Sunday after Ascension This Sunday after the Ascension takes us to the Upper Room where the entire Church, the apostles and disciples gathered around the Mother of God, are awaiting the outpouring of the celestial dew, the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit. The image of this gathering in unison has been portrayed by many artists and […]


Ascension Christi ascensio est nostra provectio. So did St Leo the Great proclaim to us this morning at Matins. The ascension of Christ is our promotion, that is to say that because our human flesh and bones are now enthroned at the right hand of the Father, encompassed as it were by the Triune Godhead, […]

Love Is Contagious

5th Sunday after Easter In today’s Gospel we hear our blessed Lord say to the apostles: Amen, amen, I say to you: if you ask the Father any thing in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto, you have not asked any thing in my name. Ask, and you shall receive; that your joy […]

Where the True Joys are Found

4th Sunday after Easter In today’s Gospel, Our blessed Lord declares to the apostles who are sad of His imminent departure that it is expedient for Him to go so that the Holy Spirit may come. When He comes, He adds, He will convict the world of sin, of justice and of judgment. This triple […]

Profession Of BR Francisco Maria

St Joseph the Worker Solemn Profession of Br Francisco Maria De Brito Dear Brother Francisco, I believe it is safe to say that you are being followed. For a long time now you have been pursued by none other than Our Blessed Lady and St Joseph. Through many paths and wanderings they led you to […]

Bringing Error to Repentance

3rd Sunday after Easter In today’s oration Holy Church prays for the light of truth to be given to those who have gone astray from the path of holiness and justice. What does this mean if not that the light of truth is necessary in order to live in God’s grace? We are told nowadays […]