The Shepherds Voice

Good Shepherd Sunday Few there are who, on hearing the parable of the Good Shepherd for the first time, are not moved. There is something about this discourse that any honest person cannot fail to relate to. We all have in us a deep desire to be led by the strong and loving hand of […]

The Meaning of Mercy

Mercy Sunday It has been almost a quarter of a century since Pope John Paul II canonised Sister Faustina Kowalska and declared this Sunday to be henceforth Mercy Sunday. There were other times in the history of the Church when Our Lord sought to introduce a new feast, and to do so He revealed Himself […]

May He Shine Through You

Pascha So it was written that the Messiah should suffer and be rejected, and rise again on the third day. This day, my dear Friends, is our day of triumph. It is our day of victory. As we continue our struggle in this valley of tears, we are given in the Resurrection of Our Lord […]

Waiting With Mary

Paschal Vigil Holy Saturday is Our Lady’s day par excellence. She alone had kept the faith, she knew her Son would achieve what He had promised, she knew He would rise. But she waited. And Holy Saturday is essentially a day of waiting, hopeful waiting, but waiting all the same. This long vigil that takes […]

Suffering Outside The Camp

Good Friday Jesus suffered outside the gate, to consecrate the people by his own blood. Let us then go to him outside the camp, bearing the reproach that he bore. For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the one that is to come (Heb 13:10-14). These words of the apostle were addressed […]

Totum Christum Passum

Maundy Thursday On Palm Sunday, we reflected upon the reason for uniting the joyful procession of the palms with the mournful reading of the passion, and we found that it is only through suffering that we can attain glory. Today, Maundy Thursday, the eyes of our minds and hearts turn to the upper room, the […]

The Victory of Suffering

Palm Sunday The celebration of Palm Sunday is quite simply about the victory of the cross, that is to say, the victory of redemptive suffering. That is the fundamental reason for which Christ Our Lord wanted to be greeted and honoured five days before His passion with shouts of joy by the Jewish people; it […]

The Blood that Cleanses

Passion Sunday In today’s Gospel, Our sweet Saviour admonishes the Pharisees: He who is of God hears the words of God; therefore you hear them not because you are not of God. St Gregory in his commentary on this passage admonishes us all to examine our conscience to see if we hear the words of […]

The Double Fiat

Annunciation It has been often remarked that it is no coincidence that the day of Christ’s entrance into the world and the day of His leaving it are the same: 25 March. Indeed, it was on this day that the Incarnate Word was conceived in the womb, and it was also on this day that […]