The Wedding Garment Of Exclusion

19th Sunday after Pentecost Dearly Beloved, At the heart of today’s liturgy we find the parable of the wedding feast prepared by the King for his Son and which those who were invited failed to attend. They had numerous excuses: they neglected and went their way, one to his farm, and another to his merchandise. […]

Of Mighty Battles And Little Souls

External Solemnity of the Holy Rosary Dearly Beloved, The month of October brings back before our minds – even though it is never far away – the wonderful prayer of the Holy Rosary. The feast of the Holy Rosary is on 7 October but is solemnised on this first Sunday of the month. It was […]

Where Our Eyes Really Should Be

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Dearly Beloved, In today’s Gospel we find the Pharisees keeping an eye on our Lord – observabant eum. The expression evokes the kind of malevolent gaze one might be subjected to in the company of people who want to hurt you. Their eyes were on His every move, their ears open […]

The Tears Of A Mother

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Dearly Beloved, In today’s epistle, St Paul summarises our spiritual combat in these words: Be not deceived: God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth […]

Galong Again And A Pilgrimage To Coogee

Group photo of retreatants in front of statue of St Clement Marie Hofbauer.

Fr Prior and Br Gregory were able to return to Galong to conduct the women’s retreat. 24 ladies were able to take part in the event, for which we are most grateful to Divine Providence. On their way back, the monks made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Venerable Eileen O’Connor in order to entrust […]

Homilies To Resume

With Fr Mark Bachmann returning to Clear Creek this week, Fr Prior’s homilies will resume on Sunday 18 September.

Return To Victoria

Return to Victoria

The men’s retreat at Don Bosco, Lysterfield Victoria is in its fourth day. The last retreat here was in April last year. The next one should be the women’s retreat in November.

New Oblation

Oblation of Peter Kelly

Fr Prior received today the oblation of Peter Kelly at Don Bosco Retreat Centre Chapel. Peter took the oblate name of Brother Henry Mary, after St Henry II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, who himself was a Benedictine Oblate. Congratulations to Brother Henry from all the monks!

First St Clement’s Retreat

First St Clement's Retreat

Fr Prior and Br Gregory are in the middle of the Priory’s first ever retreat at St Clement’s Retreat Centre in Galong NSW. 16 men are on retreat, even though there would be room for many more. Looks a lot colder than Tassie….! Please visit the retreat page to book into one of the upcoming […]