Our Lady of Cana

Each year, my dear Friends, we are blessed to have two commemorations of Our Lady of Cana. The first one is today, within the octave of Epiphany. The second one is the second Sunday after Epiphany, on which day the Roman liturgy from ancient times commemorates the event. There are so many lessons we can […]

Thank You, Holy Father

Circumcision Each new civil year begins on the octave day of the nativity of Our Lord, which is also the day of His circumcision and that of the imposition of the Name of Jesus. In the liturgical traditions of both east and west, the octave of Christmas has equally been also a day on which […]

Profession Of Br Isaac Mary

Today on the feast of the Holy Innocents we were blessed to have the junior profession of vows of Br Isaac Mary Scott. Brother Isaac, who was joined by his parents Andrew and Shalene, is originally from Brisbane, even though his parents spend a fair amount of time in the Tasman Peninsula. Please keep Br […]

Non Loquendo Sed Moriendo

Holy Innocents Profession of Br Isaac Mary Dear Brother Isaac, Exactly two years ago, you were just starting your first retreat, with a view to discerning a possible monastic vocation. During that retreat, you were enthralled by the contemplation of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and moved with the desire to imitate Him. […]

Life Does Not Die

Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ First of all, allow me to wish each and everyone a truly holy Christmas, one at the centre of which the Son of God Incarnate reigns supreme. Secondly, allow me to express to all the friends of our community our profound gratitude for so much support and prayer over […]

Restraining The Anti-Christ

4th Sunday of Advent In the traditional liturgy of the Church there are two thoughts that are never separated: the first coming of Christ in the lowliness of our flesh to save; His second coming in the glory of His reign to judge. The two comings are sharply contrasted in Christian art. The faithful who […]

Make Way For The Lord And His Immaculate Mother

3rd Sunday of Advent – Gaudete On this day holy Mother Church invites us to rejoice. The motive for our joy? Very simple: the Lord is near, Dominus prope est. Let’s not pass over this thought too quickly. In chapter four of the book of Deuteronomy, Moses proclaims to the people: For what great nation […]

Army of the Immaculata

Immaculate Conception Many years ago, I heard from an old monk who at the time was a young monk, that in 1950 at the time of the definition of the dogma of the Assumption by Venerable Pius XII, there was a great enthusiasm among the Catholic faithful. What other Marian dogmas would we soon have? […]

Straw For The Crib

2nd Sunday of Advent In the context of our Advent preparation for the coming of our Blessed Lord at Christmas, today’s Gospel presents us with a scene in which Our Lord Himself is questioned by the disciples of St John Baptist as to whether or not He (Jesus) is the Messiah. John of course did […]