Ladies’ Turn

Two retreats for ladies’ have been completed, one at Jerusalem Estate which counted 8 (one missing from photo) and the other at Don Bosco, Lysterfield Victoria with 21 + one in utero…. Next year’s retreat schedule is available on the Retreats button of this page. Book in while there is still space!

The Touch of Humility

23rd Sunday after Pentecost In today’s Gospel we find a woman who is seriously sick. St Mark’s account gives us a number of details that are worth considering. She has spent all her resources on doctors, but to no avail. She has only gotten worse. So it is that when we expect help from creatures […]

What Jesus Cares About

22nd Sunday after Pentecost In today’s Gospel we see Our Blessed Lord put to the test by the Pharisees. As they approach to lay a snare before Him, they begin, as do all tricksters, by a captatio benevolentiae: “Master, we know that Thou art a true speaker, and teach the way of God in truth, […]

Two Beatitudes That Go Together

All Saints In today’s reading from the Apocalypse St John tells us that he saw the saints as a great multitude which no man could number, of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and in sight of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands. While […]

Where The Kingship Begins

Christ the King On this day, we honour Our Lord Jesus Christ as our King. Even though it is a feast which gives us joy and fills us with enthusiasm, it may also be one we have difficulty relating to, given that we instinctively compare Christ the King with the kings of this earth, such […]

Light In A Dark Place

20th Sunday after Pentecost Dearly Beloved, Today’s Mass opens with an excerpt from the prayer of Azariah in the third chapter of the Prophet Daniel; it is an acknowledgement that we have sinned by violating the commands of God. The present calamity is due, says the sacred author, to the sinfulness of the people. The […]

The Wedding Garment Of Exclusion

19th Sunday after Pentecost Dearly Beloved, At the heart of today’s liturgy we find the parable of the wedding feast prepared by the King for his Son and which those who were invited failed to attend. They had numerous excuses: they neglected and went their way, one to his farm, and another to his merchandise. […]

Of Mighty Battles And Little Souls

External Solemnity of the Holy Rosary Dearly Beloved, The month of October brings back before our minds – even though it is never far away – the wonderful prayer of the Holy Rosary. The feast of the Holy Rosary is on 7 October but is solemnised on this first Sunday of the month. It was […]

Where Our Eyes Really Should Be

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Dearly Beloved, In today’s Gospel we find the Pharisees keeping an eye on our Lord – observabant eum. The expression evokes the kind of malevolent gaze one might be subjected to in the company of people who want to hurt you. Their eyes were on His every move, their ears open […]