The Anchor Beyond The Veil

Ascension of Our Lord For those whose first love is Jesus, the feast of the Ascension is cause for celebration. It means that the one we love above all others, the very foundation and fulcrum of our existence, is henceforth glorified at the right hand of the Father, above all creatures, never more to suffer, […]

I Have Overcome The World

5th Sunday after Easter Just a few days before the Ascension which we will celebrate with joy this coming Thursday, we are reminded of the importance of prayer. The Church takes her cue from the words Our Lord spoke at the Last Supper and which we have heard in today’s Gospel. Ask and you shall […]

Retreat News

The month of May, dedicated to Mary Immaculate, has seen two successful retreats here at Jerusalem Estate (see photos below). We have also been able to book in retreats for the coming months in NSW, VIC and also here in TAS. See the retreat button for details

Where True Joys Are Found

4th Sunday after Easter As we approach the feast of Our Blessed Lord’s Ascension, our holy Mother Church prepares our minds and hearts for the moment when He will no longer be among us in a visible manner. We have, since Easter, enjoyed as it were His visible presence, reliving liturgically by means of the […]

Brother John Mary

The community was blessed today with the clothing and entry into novitiate of Lewis Cassidy who received the name Brother John Mary. He is placed under the heavenly patronage of St John the Apostle and Evangelist. Please keep Brother John and all the community in your prayers!

The Hard And Wholesome Work of Holiness

St Joseph the Worker

St Joseph the Worker On this first day of the month of May, which is traditionally the month of Mary, Holy Mother Church puts before our eyes the figure of her most chaste spouse St Joseph. In the nineteenth century, Blessed Pius IX, under the strain of open persecution, turned to St Joseph, placing the […]

Viscera Misericordiae

Mercy Sunday On this octave day of Easter, Holy Mother Church takes us back a week to the Cenacle. On the very day of His Resurrection from the dead, our Blessed Saviour appears to His apostles and confers upon them the power to forgive sins. At the Last Supper in the very same room, the […]

On The Eucharist, Church And Exclusion

Maundy Thursday On this day, my dear Friends, with our Holy Mother Church we commemorate the Last Supper at which Our Lord instituted the Most Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of His Body and Blood, offered up by the ministry of priests as the renewal and the eternal making present of the Sacrifice of Calvary. The […]

A Simple Way To A Holy Week

Palm Sunday In order not to lengthen further this Sunday’s Mass, I will offer just a few brief thoughts for our reflexion. This week, which we call Holy Week, let each of us spend at least 15 mn each day meditating upon the the Passion of Our Blessed Saviour. There is more fruit in this […]