Br Antony Mary Makes Simple Vows

Br Antony Mary Makes Simple Vows

With great joy the community celebrated the first vows of Br Antony Mary on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord within the Solemn Mass celebrated by Fr Prior. Please keep Brother in your prayers!

Homily At Mass Of Profession Of Br Antony Mary

We opened this Holy Mass with these words from psalm 32: Cogitationes Cordis eius in generatione et generationem – The thoughts of His Heart are from generation to generation. In other words, His eternal project of salvation is never lacking. The love that was shown to our Fathers, beginning with our first parents down through […]

Learning The Gift Of Self

Corpus Christi When we wish to contemplate the ineffable mystery of the Most Blessed Sacrament, we find ourselves invariably being brought back to the words with which Our Blessed Lord instituted it. As the Fathers and Doctors of the Church has continually pointed out, the words of institution adequately express all that is contained in […]

The Trinity Has The Answers

Trinity Sunday I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through belief in the Threeness, Through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of creation. (St Patrick’s Breastplate) “The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity,” proclaims the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. […]

Come, Father Of The Poor

Pentecost Sunday On this day, dear to all Christian hearts, the fullness of God’s plan for the world is revealed. After sending His Son to teach us the way to Heaven, having accepted His sacrifice on the cross and raised Him from the dead, today the Eternal Father, one with His Son, sends us the […]

Preparing For The Holy Spirit

Sunday after Ascension On the days that separate the Ascension from Pentecost, the apostles, as Our Lord commanded them, retire to the upper room to await the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. With them, let us ponder those parting words of the Saviour at the Last Supper, and let us, in the tradition of Holy […]

The Anchor Beyond The Veil

Ascension of Our Lord For those whose first love is Jesus, the feast of the Ascension is cause for celebration. It means that the one we love above all others, the very foundation and fulcrum of our existence, is henceforth glorified at the right hand of the Father, above all creatures, never more to suffer, […]

I Have Overcome The World

5th Sunday after Easter Just a few days before the Ascension which we will celebrate with joy this coming Thursday, we are reminded of the importance of prayer. The Church takes her cue from the words Our Lord spoke at the Last Supper and which we have heard in today’s Gospel. Ask and you shall […]

Retreat News

The month of May, dedicated to Mary Immaculate, has seen two successful retreats here at Jerusalem Estate (see photos below). We have also been able to book in retreats for the coming months in NSW, VIC and also here in TAS. See the retreat button for details