The Word Of The Cross

Passion Sunday It requires no keen powers of observation to notice that with this Sunday something special is happening. The images dear to us because they remind us of the beloved objects of our faith are now veiled in the colour of penance. It’s as if all of creation were uniting with us to wail […]

It’s Not Ours, It’s His

Laetare Sunday This Sunday, called Laetare from the first word of the introit, invites us to leave somewhat our Lenten observance and hand our hearts over to rejoicing. During Advent, Gaudete Sunday bids us prepare for the imminent coming of the Lord, so during Lent, joy is once again the object of a divine command. […]

Whose Side Are We On?

Third Sunday of Lent Last week, our eyes were enlightened by the shining countenance of Christ Our Lord in His glorious Transfiguration. Today, our wills are strengthened by the vigour of His grace. Indeed, there seems to be throughout the liturgy of this Sunday a grace of fortitude, of power, of endurance, that is instilled […]

Lift Up Your Heads!

Second Sunday of Lent On this Second Sunday of Lent, Holy Mother Church seeks to prepare us for the events of Holy Week by placing before our eyes the vision of Our Lord’s glorious Transfiguration. The event took place just weeks before the actual passion, and St Leo tells us that it was precisely so […]

The Solidity Of Stone

First Sunday of Lent On this first Sunday of Lent, Holy Mother Church invites us out to the desert with Christ Our Lord. She recalls to our minds His strict fast of 40 days, followed by His triple temptation. St Paul tells us that Christ was likened to us in all things, and was tempted, […]

Open My Eyes To The Truth

Quinquagesima Sunday On this Sunday before Lent, at the threshold of the Holy Forty Days of penance, Holy Mother Church, for the third Sunday in a row, presents us with an inimitable mosaic of texts designed to prepare us to enter the Lenten struggle with the proper intentions. Most noteworthy is the epistle, which is […]

Perseverare Diabolicum

Sexagesima Sunday Today’s Gospel brings before us the parable of the sower. Our Lord is the sower who sows the seed of His word in every age and in every heart. More often than not, that seed bears no fruit. The reasons are multiple: hardly has it been sown that the devil himself comes and […]

We Know Exactly What Jesus Meant

Septuagesima Sunday On this day, Holy Mother Church sets aside her usual sentiments of joy and dons the garments of penitence. This morning at Matins we were reminded of creation and the fall, and finally were treated to the Gospel of the workers in the vineyard, the gist of which is that in every age, […]

Weeds That Dehumanize And Decatholicize

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany In today’s Gospel we learn that the Lord sows good seed in the world. What is this good seed? Quite simply, it is the Christian souls with whom He shares His divine life by means of adoption into His own family through Baptism and the other sacraments. It is the pure […]