When Jesus Sleeps

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Behold a great tempest arose in the sea, so that the boat was covered with waves, but He was asleep. How often in the history of the Church have we not thought that all was lost. A great tempest arises. The boat is tossed to and fro, it is about to […]

Perfection Is Imperfectible

Dedication of St Mary’s Cathedral, Hobart Today in the archdiocese of Hobart we commemorate the dedication of St Mary’s Cathedral. Even though few Catholics have the opportunity to attend the actual consecration of a church, let alone a cathedral, we do have each year the grace to celebrate the anniversary of its consecration. In the […]

Vox Clamantis In Rhyndaston

We were honoured to have with us for a few days Jaan-Eik Tulvé, director of the Estonian ensemble Vox Clamantis. Jaan-Eik, whom Fr Prior got to know in Flavigny where he directed the St Joseph CD, is in Australia at the moment with his singers giving concerts in Melbourne and Sydney. Jaan-Eik has a profound […]

The Omnipotence Of Prayer

Second Sunday after Epiphany Last week on the feast of the Holy Family we reflected a little bit on the divine institution of the family, and we evoked the challenges that it faces today. Holy Mother Church puts before us today the miracle at the wedding feast of Cana in order to encourage us in […]

From The Ashes

Holy Family On this Sunday after Epiphany, Holy Mother Church turns our eyes in the direction of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, model of all families of the earth. Yesterday on the feast of Our Lady of Cana we contemplated how Our Blessed Lord consecrated marriage by His presence at the wedding […]

The Friendly Name

Holy Name of Jesus There is no salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved (Act 4:12). With those words of the apostle St Peter, the mission of the Church for all ages is made clear: it is to lead souls to eternal […]

The Silence Of The Canon

Sunday within the Octave of Christmas While all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her course, Thy almighty Word O Lord, came down from heaven from Thy royal throne (Wisdom 18:14-15). We spoke briefly during the midnight Mass about the importance of silence, especially during the consecration of […]

Precious Gems In A Golden Chalice

Christmas Day Mass In the Day Mass of Christmas we have one of those not so rare instances in which the fare of Sacred Scripture of the ancient Roman Liturgy is richer than in the modern rite. The opening passage of the Epistle to the Hebrews haas been shortened by five verses, which are the […]

The Old Is Better

Midnight Mass Everything about the Incarnate Word stuns us. We can try to imagine what we would do were we to be omnipotent God. But omnipotent God chooses the path the leaves us bewildered. What can we say? Into a dark world comes the light; into a proud world comes a babe; into a sensual […]