Dedicated To The Lord (1 Sa 1:28)
Immaculate Conception Solemn Profession of Br Bede Mary Dear Brother Bede Mary, In a few moments, the ritual prescribes that we ask you a few question concerning your intentions. But really those intentions have already been made known. The desire to leave all things, to belong completely to God, to spend your days enveloped in […]
The Courage Of The Witness
Second Sunday of Advent In the orations of this season of Advent, there is a word that the Church repeats often and which cannot fail to draw the attention of anyone who reads them attentively. The orations of the first, second and fourth Sundays as well as that of the Ember Friday all begin with […]
Noblesse Oblige
First Sunday of Advent Each year at the beginning of Advent, Holy Mother Church turns our eyes towards the great mystery of the coming of the Lord in its triple aspect: His first coming in the humility of the flesh at Christmas, His Second Coming in glory at the end of time to judge the […]
Let Nothing Disturb Thee
Last Sunday after Pentecost On this last Sunday of the liturgical year, Holy Mother Church puts before eyes the spectacle of the end of the world and the final judgment. The two major elements of this teaching are first, that the world as we know it will end, and second that Christ Our Lord will […]
Three Measures Of Humility
25th Sunday after Pentecost (6th after Epiphany transferred) For the second week in a row, the heavenly Gardener teaches us about seeds. Last week we saw the Enemy insidiously sowing his cockle over the wheat. Today Our Blessed Lord uses the analogy of the tiny mustard seed to explain to us the power of the […]
A New Novice

On this feast of all the saints of the Benedictine Order, the Community is pleased to announce the clothing of Celyn Scott who has received the religious name of Brother Isaac Mary. Deo et Mariae Gratias! Pray for him and for all of us please!
I Will Bring You Back
24th Sunday after Pentecost (5th after Epiphany transferred) At the end of the second book of Maccabees which we read throughout the month of October, Judas Maccabeus is favoured with a vision of a man distinguished by his white hair and dignity, and with an air of wondrous and majestic authority. “This is a man […]
Face To Face
All Saints We just heard Our Blessed Lord lay out His program for the Kingdom of God, called the Beatitudes. This morning, I will focus on just one of them, the 6th: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. We read the other day in the life of St Bernadette that, […]
Stand Up And Be Counted
Christ the King Worthy is the Lamb to receive all honour and glory. Tomorrow, on the feast of All Saints, we will consider Our Lord Jesus Christ glorified amidst the assembly of all the saints of the heavenly court, contemplating how that glorious reign will last for all eternity. By the grace of God, it […]