Trusting The Father With St Charles De Foucauld

8th Sunday after Pentecost At the beginning of today’s Mass, we sang joyfully the verse from Psalm 47, the great psalm of Pentecost: Suscepimus Deus misericordiam tuam in medio templi tui- We have received O Lord Thy mercy in the midst of Thy temple, and this morning at Matins we commemorated the dedication of the […]

He Loved Him With All His Heart

Solemnity of St Benedict On this eleventh day of July, we turn our grateful eyes once again to the great founder of our order, St Benedict of Nursia. Why today? The 11th of July has been commemorated by Benedictines throughout the world for well over a thousand years as the day of the transfer of […]

Leave Thy Gift

5th Sunday after Pentecost On the eve of His Sacred Passion, Our Blessed Lord gave this command to His disciples: Love one another as I have loved you. In this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (Jn 13:34-35). Today’s Gospel gives us one of the […]

First Minor Orders

We are pleased to announce that on the Vigil of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, His Grace Archbishop Porteous conferred the first two minor orders of Porter and Lector on Brothers Bede and Gregory. We entrust both brothers as well as the entire community to your kind prayers.  

Oblate Brother John Bede Mary

Today on the feast of St John Fisher, the community was blessed to receive the formal oblation of Ronan Reilly under the oblate name of Brother John Bede Mary. The triple patronage of our new oblate is Saint John Fisher, Saint Bede the Venerable and (the future saint, we hope) John Bede Polding, a great […]

Launching Out

4th Sunday after Pentecost In today’s epistle, St Paul tells us that “the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come that shall be revealed in us” (Rm 8:18). This brief sentence shows us the excellence of the glory to which we are called. It is a glory […]

The Good Odour Of Christ

Sacred Heart Even though the love of God for humanity was made manifest in the very creation of the world, was continually recalled in all God’s loving acts of benevolence for His people throughout the Old Testament, was fully revealed in the life and death of Our Blessed Saviour and preached by the apostles, St […]

New Oblate

On the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Notre Dame Priory received the promise of a new oblate in the person of Martine Watkinson who has taken the oblate name of Sister Mary Scholastica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We entrust her to your kind prayers. Fr Prior and Community      

Our Only Hope

Corpus Christi Throughout the centuries, one of the most amazing signs of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church is the way in which errors, far from destroying Her, actually help Her understand better and develop with ever greater precision the truth that was bequeathed to her. In the first centuries the heresies […]