The Message Is Simple
14th Sunday after Pentecost Profound peace and serenity pervade all the chants of today’s Mass. The introit sings of our firm assurance that the Most High is our protector and our shield, that as He looks down upon us, He sees in us the beloved Face of His Christ, His Son, our Lord, in whom […]
Loud And Clear
13th Sunday after Pentecost In today’s introit, we ask God not to forget us, not to forget the covenant He has established with us, the word which He has sworn, and of which He will not repent. The text is taken from Psalm 73, one of those plaintive cries the people of Israel sent up […]
Mary And Judith
Assumption of Our Lady The heart of every true Catholic rejoices on this day, for on it we contemplate the glorification of our Mother, Mary Immaculate. We congratulate her on her definitive and everlasting victory over death. We supplicate her to intercede for us and to lead us to her Son. This dogma of our […]
Esther And Mary Of The Cross
8 August 2021 St Mary of the Cross As we continue our preparation for Our Lady’s Assumption, today we turn our eyes towards another of the great feminine figures of the Old Testament, namely Esther. This young Hebrew woman was chosen to become the bride and the Queen of the King of Persia, Ahasuerus. Shortly […]
10th Sunday after Pentecost In just two weeks, on the 15th, we will celebrate the great feast of Our Lady’s Assumption. The nine day novena which leads up to it commences this Friday 6th of August, which is both the First Friday of the month and the feast of the Transfiguration. I would like to […]
Flee To The Mountains
9th Sunday after Pentecost Looking out over the valley that encircles Jerusalem, there is a church called the Dominus flevit, being the spot where today’s Gospel takes place. It is Palm Sunday, and as the Lord reaches this area from which an extraordinary view of the Holy City can be taken in, he looks over […]
Trusting The Father With St Charles De Foucauld
8th Sunday after Pentecost At the beginning of today’s Mass, we sang joyfully the verse from Psalm 47, the great psalm of Pentecost: Suscepimus Deus misericordiam tuam in medio templi tui- We have received O Lord Thy mercy in the midst of Thy temple, and this morning at Matins we commemorated the dedication of the […]
He Loved Him With All His Heart
Solemnity of St Benedict On this eleventh day of July, we turn our grateful eyes once again to the great founder of our order, St Benedict of Nursia. Why today? The 11th of July has been commemorated by Benedictines throughout the world for well over a thousand years as the day of the transfer of […]
Leave Thy Gift
5th Sunday after Pentecost On the eve of His Sacred Passion, Our Blessed Lord gave this command to His disciples: Love one another as I have loved you. In this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (Jn 13:34-35). Today’s Gospel gives us one of the […]