Ament Et Cantabunt

5th Sunday after Easter My Dear Friends, The Father Himself loves you. These have to be some of the most consoling words in all of Holy Scripture, and even in all the written annals of humanity. The Father loves you. It was the great revelation of the New Testament. The gods of Greece and Rome […]

Our Lady Of Fair Love And The Sweetness Of The Law

4th Sunday after Easter My Dear Friends, As we make our way through this most festive of seasons, our holy Mother the Church continues to direct our gaze on high. Today we hear our Lord tell the apostles: I am going to the one who sent me, and this is necessary for you, for then […]

Light In The Darkness

3rd Sunday after Easter My Dear Friends, For some time now we have been enjoying the presence of the paschal candle, which, alongside the incessant chant of the alleluia, is probably the most striking liturgical feature of the celebration of Easter. It rejoices us by giving us light, symbol of the Resurrection of Our Lord […]

Victorian Retreats

Fr Prior and Br Joseph have just completed two retreats at Don Bosco Centre in Lysterfield Victoria. This beautiful retreat centre is located in a gorgeous peaceful setting, and yet so close to Melbourne. 17 men and 30 women took part in the Exercises.

On Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday, the day on which the Lord’s body rested in the holy sepulchre and on which Mary prayed in silent mourning, while the apostles huddled together in fright and distress, is one on which Christians traditionally strive to maintain a spirit of recollectedness, in prayerful anticipation of the Resurrection, even if they can be […]

I Am A Catholic Priest

My Dear Friends, At the beginning of the Last Supper, Our Blessed Lord addressed these words to the apostles: With desire I have desired to eat this pasch with you, before I suffer (Lk 22:15). Earlier He had said: I have a baptism wherewith I am to be baptised. And how am I straitened until […]

Jesus Is In Control

Palm Sunday My Dear Friends, British historian Tom Holland in his monumental book on the influence Christianity has had on the world entitled Dominion, How the Christian Revolution Remade the World, opens with some graphic descriptions of the horrors of crucifixion. One cannot help but feel terror but at the same time amazement: how did […]

Immaculate Conception Church Blessed

The monks were joined yesterday, feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady, by a large crowd of faithful for the solemn blessing of Immaculate Conception Church by Archbishop Julian Porteous. More news and photos to follow in the upcoming edition of the newsletter.

The Blood That Speaks Louder

Passion Sunday My Dear Friends, As we enter the two week period called passiontide, Holy Mother Church, through the words of St Paul to the Hebrews, turns our attention towards the blood of Christ, that blood that will be poured out on Good Friday and given to us to drink in the most Blessed Sacrament. […]