The Virtues Of St Joseph

St Joseph My Dear Friends, It is always with great spiritual joy that we celebrate our holy patriarch and patron St Joseph. His discreet but essential role in the life of Our Lord and Our Lady is one which inspires us, attracts us, draws us ever more into silent adoration. Indeed, Holy Scripture, even though […]

City Of God

Laetare Sunday My Dear Friends, Today’s Mass, with its recurring theme, focusing on Jerusalem, should be dear to our community on this property called Jerusalem Estate. We find ourselves perhaps unconsciously applying some of the liturgical texts of the day to this beautiful land on which we have settled and where we hope to build […]

Retreat And Novena To St Joseph

The monks are following a week of retreat conferences by Fr Adrian Wee on St Therese of Lisieux. They also began today the annual novena to St Joseph in the lead up to his feast day on 19 March. They entrust all your intentions to his intercession.

None So Blind

Third Sunday of Lent My Dear Friends, The psalmist on this Sunday invites us to lift our eyes to the Lord, rather, to keep them always turned towards the Lord – Oculi mei semper ad Dominum – but he also asks the Lord to cast his eyes upon us and to show us his mercy […]

Love Chastity

Second Sunday of Lent The glory of the Lord’s transfiguration enlightens this second Sunday in our Lenten observance. As it did for the three apostles who witnessed it, so is it designed to do for us, that is to say, strengthen our faith so that when we contemplate the passion of Our Lord in a […]

Possessing All Things

First Sunday of Lent My dear Friends, St Paul once again sets the tone for this first Sunday of Lent with another amazing list for our contemplation. Two weeks ago, he enumerated all the trials he suffered for the preaching of the Gospel (it’s good to remind ourselves: the labours, the imprisonments, the floggings, the […]

Love And Patience

Quinquagesima Sunday The greatest is love My dear Friends, Saint Paul’s hymn to charity reminds us today that, over and beyond the ephemeral goods of this fleeting life, there are values that remain, there is Someone that remains. And the way we gain access to this Someone and to the higher life to which we […]

The Seed And The Plough

Sexagesima Sunday Arise, O Lord, why dost Thou sleep? This Sunday brings us a second clarion call at the approach of Lent. Last week, the appearance of the violet vestments, the silencing of the paschal song of victory and the parable of the vineyard were all intended to wake us up and incite us to […]

Missa Cantata At The Rock

Before the summer retreats, the monks were able to visit friends in the Riverina area. A Missa Cantata was organised and celebrated by Fr Prior, with Bishop Mark Edwards of Wagga Wagga attending in choir.