Summer Retreats Conclude

Fr Prior, Br Gregory and Br Francisco return today from NSW where they were able to give two retreats. From 24 to 29 January, 21 men followed the Spiritual Exercises at Benedict XVI retreat centre in Grose Vale NSW. This was the first time we were holding a retreat at this gorgeous venue. It began […]
Monks Celebrate First Solemn Mass In New Church

Today for the solemnity of Our Lady of Cana, patronal feast of our community, we were blessed to have our first solemn high Mass in Immaculate Conception Church. Fr Glen Tattersall and Fr Brendan Arthur joined us for Mass and were respectively deacon and subdeacon at the Mass celebrated by Fr Prior. We would like […]
Of Monks And Magi
Epiphany We have come to adore. Such is the motivation the three kings give for their long journey from the East. We have come to adore. With this single phrase, these three brave men unwittingly set the tone for entire history of the Catholic Church and in particular for that part of the Church called […]
First Retreat At Jerusalem Estate

A group of seven men is now following the first 5-day retreat following the Spiritual Exercises at Notre Dame Priory. Retreat to conclude on New Year’s Day.
The Crib, The Cross And The Tabernacle
Christmas Day More than one author has pointed out the affinities between the crib, the cross, the tabernacle. This trio summarises what is most dear to us in our Catholic faith. In each of them we contemplate a number of virtues which our blessed Saviour has portrayed for us. Let’s limit ourselves today to three […]
Getting Rid Of The Junk
Fourth Sunday of Advent Just a few days away now from the beloved feast of Christmas, the Nativity of Jesus Christ Our Lord. What shall we do to prepare ourselves for such a momentous event? How shall we make ready for the Lord of all creation who comes to us once again through what the […]
St Lucy And Joy
Third Sunday of Advent The Virgin Martyr St Lucy whose feast is celebrated on this day is, I’m sure, more than happy to make way for this Sunday which is dear to us all and is known as Gaudete Sunday, the “Sunday of Joy” as we look forward with great expectation to Christmas. But no […]
Restoring What Was Broken
Immaculate Conception In the Conception of Mary Immaculate, Holy Mother Church rightly celebrates the commencement of a unique existence, that of the Mother of God who was preserved by God from the least stain of sin. Our community, too, celebrates on this day a new commencement. After nearly four years of celebrating the Divine Office […]
Monks Inaugurate “New” Church

This afternoon at First Vespers of the Immaculate Conception, the Monks of Notre Dame Priory inaugurated Immaculate Conception Church. The church, which was originally built in the northeastern part of Tasmania in a mining town called Pioneer, was moved a first time in 1947 to a suburb of Launceston called St Leonard’s. At that time, […]