“No God” – “No People”
Second Sunday of Advent Each Saturday at Lauds during the penitential periods of the year, we monks are treated to the second canticle of Moses, otherwise known as the Canticle of Deuteronomy, which you will find in ch. 32 of the Book of Deuteronomy. The canticle is a long meditation on the marvellous deeds of […]
The Need For Patience
First Sunday of Advent Show us, O Lord, Thy Mercy, and grant us Thy Salvation. Today’s alleluia verse, taken from Psalm 84 which is one of the great Psalms of Advent, has become part of the daily liturgy of the Mass. It is recited immediately before the priest mounts the steps of the altar at […]
The Gospel Of Life
Last Sunday after Pentecost The last Sunday of the liturgical year gives our Holy Mother the Church the opportunity to place before our eyes the spectacle of the end of time. Let’s be honest and admit that the revelation of Our Lord frightens us: the darkening of the sun, the moon failing to give her […]
Our First Oblates

Today for the feast of St Gertrude, our community received the oblation of its first oblates: Laure Kelly who took the oblate name Sister Gertrude, and Cathy Powell who took the oblate name Sister Mary Monica. May Our Blessed Mother guide them along the paths of holiness in their state of life, in the spirit […]
Flee Idols
24th Sunday after Pentecost (Sixth after Epiphany transferred) St Paul gives us today a sort of summary of the Christian life when he reminds the Thessalonians that the effect of his presence among them was to turn them away from idols to serve the living and true God and to await the return of Jesus […]
Immaculate Conception Church Almost Ready!

The Community is excited to announce that Immaculate Conception Church is almost complete. Workers are polishing floor, lights are soon to go in. Everything is on track for the inauguration for First Vespers of the Immaculate Conception on 7 December. Thank you for your support!
Making Life A Prayer
23rd Sunday after Pentecost As we approach the end of the liturgical year in this month dedicated to the Poor Souls, today’s liturgy quite appropriately places before our eyes the dogma of the resurrection of the flesh. In the Gospel, we see the Lord raise back to life a young girl twelve years of age […]
Deceased Friends And Benefactors Remembered At Requiem

On All Souls Day, the community remembered all the deceased friends and benefactors of the community at our Requiem Missa Cantata followed by the chant of the Libera and the Absolution. Even though prayers are offered every single day, and even at every office, for the deceased who support us, this month of November is […]
The Great Cloud Of Witnesses
All Saints Last Sunday, our holy Mother Church put before our eyes Christ Jesus our Sovereign King, reminding us that even now He must reign in our hearts, in our families, in our societies. Today, Mother Church turns our eyes to the eternal kingdom where Christ Jesus is already enthroned in glory, and to which […]