Stay in the Boat

“And getting into one of the boats, the one that was Simon’s, He asked him to put out a little from the land.” The Lord is with us, dear brothers, dear faithful, or rather, we are with Him in this boat of Simon Peter’s. This morning’s passage from the Holy Gospel gives us an example […]

A Pierced Heart

Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins, have mercy on us Today, dear faithful, we are celebrating the External Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; we celebrated this feast in full last Friday (with the beautiful addition of First Friday adoration), and like the feast of […]

St Cecilia Triduum for June

June is the month of the Sacred Heart, and this year the feast actually coincides with the First Friday, which is not a common occurrence. Even though the devotion to the Sacred Heart as we know it did not become current among Catholics until modern times, its sources go all the way back to the […]

Stay with us, Lord!

“He who eats My Flesh, and drinks My Blood, abides in Me and I in him… He who eats this Bread shall live forever. (St John 6: 57,59)” Let us cast our minds back a number of weeks to Easter, to the appearances of Our Blessed Lord following His Resurrection. Call to mind the road […]

The Cornerstone

Trinity Sunday The celebration of Trinity Sunday is meant to bring before our eyes and inspire deeper gratitude for all the mysteries of our beloved faith. All of our preceding meditations concerning the life of our blessed Lord culminate in the glorious vision of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Some people seem […]

A Good (not a Nice) Shepherd

Pentecost Sunday Fifty days after the ancient passover took place the promulgation of the Old Law on Mount Sinai; so fifty days after the new passover, that is the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, takes place the promulgation of the new and eternal covenant through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. […]

If You Want to Go Forward, Go Back

Sunday after Ascension On this Sunday that falls between the Ascension and Pentecost, the Church’s attention is drawn to seek the face of the Saviour who has disappeared from our field of vision. Through faith we must seek His face, we must long for Him to return. Ever since the Ascension, when the angels said […]

All Power Is Given to Me

Ascension Today’s feast takes us in two directions. The first direction is upwards, beyond the heavens where Christ our Lord is henceforth enthroned as king of kings and lord of lords. He is there, in Heaven, and Heaven is not just a state, or a frame of mind, nor is it the cosmic Christ or […]

The Father Loves Us

Fifth Sunday after Easter Today’s Gospel presents us with what have to be some of the most consoling words of the entire Bible. It is where Our Blessed Lord says: The Father Himself loves you. Perhaps the apostles were imagining that God had sent His Son to, as it were, check us out, and He […]