Victor Rex
Christ the King At various celebrations throughout the year, the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ is referred to in the liturgy. To name just a few: On the very day of His annunciation, the archangel told our Lady that He would reign over the House of David forever and of His kingdom there would […]
Believe In Love
Fiery FurnaceToday’s Mass opens with a passage from the prayer of Azariah in the burning furnace. The episode is placed during the Babylonian captivity, when the Chosen People had been exiled into a foreign land and deprived of the Temple and its sacrifices. Things were bleak, they were tragic. The prayer is one of great […]
Dissolve Not Jesus
19th Sunday after Pentecost At the heart of today’s Gospel we find a wedding feast, a royal wedding, thrown by the king for his son. Who is this King and who is this Son and what is this wedding? The King is God the Father. The Son is the Eternal Word. The Wedding is the […]
The Mother’s Gaze
Solemnity of the Most Holy Rosary The month of October brings us to the feast of the Most Holy Rosary, celebrated on the 7th, but solemnised on this first Sunday of the month. It is an opportunity for us to reflect a bit on this prayer, which after the Mass is probably the best known […]
That They May Be One
17th Sunday after Pentecost At the heart of today’s liturgy we are given to contemplate the battle that rages between God and Satan, between Love and Hatred, between Unity and Division. The very source of unity is to be found in our Blessed Lord Himself, as St Paul stresses to the Ephesians: There is one […]
The Depth, Height, Breadth And Length
16th Sunday after Pentecost In today’s epistle, St Paul give us a glimpse of his own interior life with the Blessed Trinity, blessed life which he longs to share with us. Christ dwells, he says, in our hearts through faith which is grounded in love of God, and that love surpasses all that we can […]
Weep Not In Vain
15th Sunday after Pentecost Today’s Gospel present us with an unusual spectacle. Jesus, surrounded by a great crowd of followers, approaches a town by the name of Naim. As he reaches the town, another great crowd is coming out–it is a funeral cortege, making its way to the local cemetery. The dead man is young […]
Suspect Catholicism
14th Sunday after Pentecost In today’s Epistle, St Paul paints a stark portrait, portraying the differences between life under the slavery of sin and life in the Holy Spirit. The portrait of sin with the works of the flesh, with all its horror, is all too familiar to us. That of life in the Spirit […]
In Thy Hands My Destiny
13th Sunday after Pentecost The cry of distress found in today’s introit, taken from Psalm 73, seems to echo that of the ten lepers of the Gospel who cry out to the Lord for mercy. The psalmist, in a period of social upheaval and catastrophic events, cries out to the Lord to not forget His […]