Vulneratus In Naturalibus

12th Sunday after Pentecost One of the best known passages of Holy Writ is given to us today. When we read the the parable of the Good Samaritan, we instinctively think of a kind person who is always ready to stop and help, even if there is nothing in it for him. The Samaritan of […]

Doing All Things Well

11th Sunday after Pentecost He hath done all things well. This word of today’s Gospel gives us some profound insights into the workings of Divine Providence and it invites us to reflect on the way God ordains all for the good of our souls. Just a few weeks ago, we were told that this providence […]

Magnifying God

Assumption of Our Lady On this glorious day, dear to the hearts of all Catholics, Holy Mother Church invites all her children to turn their eyes towards the eternal homeland where Christ Our Lord reigns in glory and in which His Immaculate Mother is taken up, body and soul. The dogma of our faith teaches […]

Abyss Calls To Abyss

10th Sunday after Pentecost Everyone who exalteth himself shall be humbled, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. The spectacle offered to us in today’s Gospel reading should put us on our guard against the Pharisee that we all have hidden in us. The pharisee goes up to the Temple to pray, but he […]

“It Will Have To Be Atoned For”

9th Sunday after Pentecost The scene of today’s Gospel takes us back to Palm Sunday. As Our Lord and His disciples approach the city, they reach a promontory today known as the Dominus flevit, where Our Lord halts, takes in, across the valley, the spectacular sight of the prestigious city, and unexpectedly begins to weep. […]

The One Task Before Us

8th Sunday after Pentecost We find ourselves, on this eighth Sunday, as it were, taken back to Pentecost. Indeed, at the very heart of today’s liturgy lies the resplendent mystery of the Church as presented in the great Pentecostal Psalm (Psalm 47). Great is the Lord, and exceedingly to be praised in the city of […]

The Fruits Of Holiness And Wisdom

7th Sunday after Pentecost By their fruits you shall know them. In the epistle of today’s Mass, St Paul points out that if we have in the past handed over the members of our body to impurity, now that we are baptised, this is no longer possible, nor is it profitable. For indeed, the flesh […]

Increase Your Religion

6th Sunday after Pentecost This morning at Matins, we were given to read of the exemplary penance of King David after his double crime of adultery and murder. David’s fall was tragic, it was as disgrace. After all he had received from God, he fell into the most abominable of crimes. And so far was […]

Going Out And Digging Deep

Solemnity of St Benedict The twelfth chapter of the book of Genesis begins with the call of Abraham: “Go forth out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and out of thy father’s house, and come into the land which I shall shew thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I […]