Setting The Enemy Free
5th Sunday after Pentecost Last night at Vespers and again this morning at Matins, Holy Mother Church put before our eyes the dirge intoned by David at the death of Saul and Jonathan. It is truly amazing, no doubt divine, how a plaintive chant composed three millennia ago can still provoke emotion. What is even […]
At Thy Command
4th Sunday after Pentecost If you have ever been blessed to go to Rome and visit St Peter’s Basilica, you cannot forget the overwhelming impression of one of the most awesome edifices ever constructed. And in honour of whom? A poor, ignorant, feisty fisherman from Galilee. Tomorrow we will honour the Holy Apostle Peter along […]
The Fate Of The World
Sacred Heart Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus began the day when, speaking to His disciples He said: “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and humble of Heart, and you […]
The Incarnation Continued
Corpus Christi Today we solemnise the feast of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the feast of Corpus Christi, the feast of God – Fête-Dieu, as the French so touchingly style it. The day on which we commemorate how God determined to pay us a visit in order to save us from sin and hell, and then […]
A Thought To Dwell Upon Forever
Trinity Sunday I am with you always, even to the consummation of the world. Before Our Blessed Lord returned to Heaven, He gave to His Apostles the Great Commission, which, to tell the truth, was pretty much an impossible task. Go and convert the whole world! That was the command to these twelve poor, and […]
So Is Every One That Is Born Of The Spirit
Pentecost Sunday Today, my dear Brothers and Friends, we celebrate the great solemnity of the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity who, according to the creed that we shall recite in a few moments, is “Lord and Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father […]
Of Kidnapping The Pope
Mary Help of Christians God has willed that we should receive all things through Mary. So speaks St Bernard of Clairvaux in a homily we read this morning at Matins. This phrase is among the most important patristic texts that point to the universal mediation of Mary. In support of this affirmation, St Bernard refers […]