The Father Loves Us

Fifth Sunday after Easter Today’s Gospel presents us with what have to be some of the most consoling words of the entire Bible. It is where Our Blessed Lord says: The Father Himself loves you. Perhaps the apostles were imagining that God had sent His Son to, as it were, check us out, and He […]

May St Cecilia Triduum

Month of May, Month of Mary. This triduum is suffused with the sweet maternal light of the Mother of God who, in the northern hemisphere, is honoured at this time of year with beautiful processions in which all the ravishing flowers that springtime offers are brought in to honour her peerless virtue. Here in the […]

One Faith and One Will

Fourth Sunday after Easter Dearly beloved: Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration. (St James 1:17) In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. With these words […]

Just a Little While

Third Sunday after Easter In a little while you will see me again. What is this little while of which Our Blessed Lord speaks in today’s Gospel? It is the brief span of time between His ascension and the end of the world. Span which to us seems long but which in reality is exceedingly […]

Are We Ready?

Good Shepherd Sunday A few weeks ago we referred to the parable of the Good Shepherd to consider how astounding it is that the Lord would die for us. We also noted that some of the Jews thought He was mad. That a man who would die for his sheep seems indeed to denote a […]

Utterly Despicable

Low Sunday This Sunday in albis deponendis, meaning the day on which the neophytes deposed their white garments, is rich with many mysteries: the octave of Easter and therefore the omnipresence of the resurrection theme, the conferral of the power to forgive sins as the first fruit of the redemption, the events of the eighth […]

A First Ordination

The community of Notre Dame Priory was blessed with the ordination of its first priest, Fr Bede Mary Cannavo, at St Canice Church, Sandy Bay, Tasmania on Easter Wednesday 3 April. The following day Fr Bede offered his first Mass at St Patrick’s Church, Colebrook. Please give thanks with us to Almighty God for the […]

For a New Priest

Easter Thursday, First Mass of Fr Bede Mary Dear Father Bede, Dear Reverend Fathers, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are still recovering, as it were, from the stunning event that took place yesterday in Sandy Bay, our eyes squinting as it were before the light. We are somewhat like the apostles and the […]

St Cecilia April Triduum

This month’s triduum takes place during the Easter Octave, an occasion on which we rejoice in the glory of our Risen Saviour. This is not a week for mourning and penance but for rejoicing with the universal Church. It is an opportunity, as we continue to pray for the great intentions dear to us all, […]