St Cecilia Monthly Triduum

There is a lovely story in the acts of the martyrdom of St Cecilia that tells of her asking the Lord for three days of reprieve so that she could dedicate her house to become a church. Her wish was granted, and you can see what remains of her house today under the Basilica of […]

St Cecilia Monthly Triduum

There is a lovely story in the acts of the martyrdom of St Cecilia that tells of her asking the Lord for three days of reprieve so that she could dedicate her house to become a church. Her wish was granted, and you can see what remains of her house today under the Basilica of […]

The Mountains Are So Near

Last Sunday after Pentecost  Let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Judea is mountainous land, the mountains are all around. It does not require much travel to get there. Judea here refers to the Church. If you are in the Church, make sure you take to the mountains, for they are not […]

With Much Fulness

Today’s epistle features St Paul congratulating the Thessalonians for the work they have allowed the grace of God to achieve in them. From the worship of dead idols, they have been converted to the true and living God. Of particular note is that the apostle categorises his preaching of the Gospel in terms of power […]

Remembering the Word

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost  Today’s Communion verse has us remind the Lord of the word that He spoke to us. What is this word? We can safely say that there are a number of words which, throughout the course of our life, are given to us at particular times and which are destined to shape […]

It’s All So Simple

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost  The central theme of the Gospel Holy Mother Church gives us to read on this Sunday is the necessity of the state of grace for salvation. It is not enough to have the faith, one must live in accordance with it. And since communion with the Church on earth is in […]

Of Angels and Rosaries

Solemnity of the Holy Rosary  Saints and popes, especially in recent centuries, have repeatedly exhorted us to pray the Rosary Why? The Rosary is quite simply the contemplation of the saving Life of Christ through the eye of the One who knows Him best and was closest to Him in His saving mission: Our Blessed […]

The Ultimate Mockery

16th Sunday after Pentecost  Two weeks ago it was the feast of St Pius X and I spoke to you at length about this outstanding shepherd. I was told that it was a long homily, one of the longest I ever gave. My apologies for that. However, I did not say half of what I […]

A New Deacon

With overflowing joy on the feast of Our Lady’s Nativity, Br Bede Mary was ordained a deacon in St Patrick’s Church  Colebrook by Bishop Geoffrey Jarrett, bishop emeritus of Lismore, with Archbishop Julian Porteous of Hobart presiding the ceremony from the throne. It was a wonderful day for our community, and we express our gratitude […]