If Only We Had Listened

14th Sunday after Pentecost  In addition to being  the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, today is the feast of Pope St Pius X, about whom I would like to share a few thoughts. We cannot really do so adequately without calling to mind the historical context in which he was elected pope. For more than a […]

Let the Poor Cry Out

13th Sunday after Pentecost  In today’s epistle the psalmist’s voice resounds reminding God of His holy covenant, pleading with Him not to forget those who put all their trust in Him. It is a recurring theme in the Old Testament. God enters into a Covenant with His people; His people sin by being unfaithful to […]

Our Supernatural Destiny

Assumption of Our Lady  On this feast which is dear to us all, let us first of all congratulate our Blessed Mother for the glory which is hers. Every son worthy of the name should rejoice at the thought of his mother’s honour. How much more we who know with the certitude of faith that […]

What the Grace of God Can Do

11th Sunday after Pentecost  Today’s Gospel portrays a man who was both deaf and dumb. He could not hear and he could not speak. This affliction that some people are born with in their bodies, sadly affects legions in their souls. It affected us at various stages of our lives. There was a time when […]

Faith In Jesus And The Glorification Of The Flesh

Transfiguration of Our Lord  Forty days before the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 14 September, Holy Mother Church gives us to celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Blessed Lord. The church of Rome, from the most remote antiquity, has honoured this mystery on the 2nd Sunday of Lent, but this […]

Jerusalem And The Church

9th Sunday after Pentecost  Today’s Gospel portrays Our Blessed Lord weeping over Jerusalem. He is sad because His people have not recognised Him, the long awaited Messiah, the One whom they had prayed for throughout so many centuries. And when He comes, for the most part they refuse to allow themselves to be cuddled under […]

Who Can be Against Us

8th Sunday after Pentecost  This morning at Matins we were given to read part of the prayer of King Solomon after the construction and dedication of the first temple of Jerusalem. Since this temple was the image of the Church, the promises God made to him at the time apply to the Church and to […]

Providence and Prayer

7th Sunday after Pentecost  Today’s oration tells us two vital things about our faith. The first is that God’s providence governs all things and is never mistaken in its provisions. The second is that God’s providence, even though it does not need our cooperation, nevertheless wants it. That is precisely why God made us free […]

What Is Good For Others

Solemnity of St Benedict In his Subiaco address pronounced just a couple weeks before his election as Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger pointed to our holy father St Benedict as one of those men who kept the flame of faith alive in the dark ages and prepared the Church and Europe for the real spiritual renewal that […]