Of True Fiducia and the Grace of Christmas
Vigil of the Nativity and Midnight Mass My dear friends, I am in the fortieth year of my monastic life. Even before I entered the monastery an old monk told me that Satan always stirs up some big ado before the great feasts, especially Christmas, in order to distract us from the graces that God […]
In the Fold of Her Mantle
3rd Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Each year at the approach of Christmas, Holy Mother Church relays to us St Paul’s formal command to rejoice, to rejoice always. There are times, and there are years, when we can be tempted to wonder whether or not this is some kind of bad joke. With so many […]
Every Reason to Hope
2nd Sunday of Advent Are you the one who is to come? Human history is marked by periodic waiting for the one who is to come to set us free. The common experience of us all is that we need help, we need a Saviour, we need God. Advent revives in us the attitude of […]
The Ecstasy of Play
Immaculate Conception Today’s feast brings before our minds our Blessed Mother in the mystery of her immaculate conception. From all eternity, God had planned to become incarnate, and from all eternity He had planned to be born of a woman, a very special woman who would be spotlessly pure, sinless, immaculate, worthy of some an […]
Don’t Let Them Laugh
1st Sunday of Advent To Thee I lift up my soul, my God, in Thee I trust, let me not be put to shame, nor let my enemies laugh at me, for all who wait for Thee will not be confounded. These are words of a soul that longs for God, and yet feels the […]
December Triduum, 30 November-2 December
Saint Cecilia Triduum of Prayer and Fasting December 2023 30 Nov-2 December This month’s triduum commences the same day as the annual novena of the Immaculate Conception. Advent is already a special time of Our Lady, as She is the one who, by her instant prayers and great desires, obtained the hastening of the coming […]
St Cecilia Monthly Triduum
There is a lovely story in the acts of the martyrdom of St Cecilia that tells of her asking the Lord for three days of reprieve so that she could dedicate her house to become a church. Her wish was granted, and you can see what remains of her house today under the Basilica of […]
St Cecilia Monthly Triduum
There is a lovely story in the acts of the martyrdom of St Cecilia that tells of her asking the Lord for three days of reprieve so that she could dedicate her house to become a church. Her wish was granted, and you can see what remains of her house today under the Basilica of […]
The Mountains Are So Near
Last Sunday after Pentecost Let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Judea is mountainous land, the mountains are all around. It does not require much travel to get there. Judea here refers to the Church. If you are in the Church, make sure you take to the mountains, for they are not […]