My Father And Your Father
Ascension Thursday I ascend to My Father and your Father, to my God and to your God. The feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ offers us many points for reflection. First of all, we can admire the paternal solicitude of our Saviour who, after His resurrection, willed to stay among His apostles […]
The Word That Shook The Foundations Of The World
Fifth Sunday after Easter The Father Himself loves you. On this last Sunday before the Ascension of Our Lord, Holy Mother Church reads to us that final discourse of Our Lord with His disciples, specifically the passage in which we are encouraged to lift up our minds and hearts with total confidence. Our Lord gives […]
There Let Our Hearts Be
Fourth Sunday after Easter Quo vadis – Where art Thou going, Lord? Throughout Eastertide our eyes are turned in the direction of eternal life, life with God, in the very bosom of the Father. The Church turns our gaze to the goal, the promised land, the place – for Heaven is indeed a place – […]
Without Fear Or Shame
We speak what we know and we testify to what we have seen. Today’s celebration commemorates both the discovery of the Holy Cross of Our Lord by St Helena in the early 4th century and its recovery in the 7th century. Both events led to triumphal celebrations of the Christian faithful that, ever since the […]
The Price Of Being A Shepherd
Good Shepherd Sunday I call them each by name. On this Sunday, called Good Shepherd Sunday, Holy Mother Church places before our eyes the image of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Shepherd of all the faithful. It is to St John the Evangelist that we owe today’s beautiful and consoling lesson, which is the heart of […]
Lord Have Mercy
Mercy Sunday Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. When Our Lord wanted there to be a special feast in honour of the Most Blessed Sacrament, He inspired a Belgian canoness, St Juliana of Liège, to make a petition and bring it to the knowledge of the universal Church in the 12th century. […]
Profession Of Br Patrick Mary

In the joy of the Resurrection, the community celebrated today the junior profession of vows of Br Patrick Mary Hobbs, younger brother of Br Gregory Mary. Br Patrick joins the ranks with Br Francisco as our second professed lay brother. Due to travel restrictions Br Patrick’s family was unable to attend, but they followed the […]
Seek After Peace And Pursue It
The profession of Br Patrick Mary Hobbs Dear Brother Patrick, Dear Brothers, All Dear Friends who are joining us by digital means. Today, on this third day of the celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection, the tone is set by the Saviour Himself who, when He greets His apostles on the evening of that first Easter […]
The Gate Is Now Open
Easter Sunday “If you have risen with Christ, seek the things that are above… You are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God….” (Col 3:1-2) Dear Brothers and Friends, The first Easter began in the most abysmal sadness. Jesus was gone. It was over. There was no hope. Two of the disciples […]