Notre Dame And Holy Saturday
Here in Australia it is already Holy Saturday. Holy Saturday is Our Lady’s day par excellence. She alone kept the faith in that dark night when everyone else, including all the apostles, had lost it. This is the origin of Saturday as Our Lady’s day. Yesterday just before the Mass of the Presanctified, a couple […]
Triangular Candlestick Donated

For the first time this year we have been blessed with an actual triangular candlestick for the office of Tenebrae. This long early morning office on the last three days of Holy Week is chanted in the dark in the presence of a large wooden candlestick containing 15 candles. 14 of them are extinguished after […]
Priest, Victim And Altar
Maundy Thursday 18 April 2019 With the celebration of the Sacred Triduum, we arrive at the climax of the Church’s liturgical life. To the events commemorated and relived during these days, we can trace the very foundations of all that we hold to be true and sacred. Indeed, it all came about quite unexpectedly. The […]
Final Work Day Before Easter

The monks are working hard working down at Jerusalem Estate, getting as much done as possible before the Easter break. The impending Sacred Triduum will be a time of intense prayer and recollection, so best to get as much done as possible before then! Please keep us all in your prayers during the holy season, […]
Patientiae Documenta
Only a very inattentive observer could fail to observe the contrast in today’s liturgy. We began in triumph, processing with the palms of victory and the olive branches of peace and soothing mercy, singing the glory of Christ Our King with joy and jubilation. Like the Hebrews of that first Palm Sunday, we could easily […]
The Word Of The Cross
With today’s liturgy we enter into what the Church calls passiontide, that is, the two weeks leading up to Easter, and during which our thoughts and meditations are continually drawn into the mystery of the sufferings of the God Man, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Oddly enough, at the very time we are invited to contemplate […]
Rejoice And Go Back!
Rejoice Jerusalem, all you who love her. Rejoice with the Church, the Holy Catholic Church, all you who love her. She is our Mother, and as such she is endowed forever with an abundance of grace and consolation that can never be taken from her. She is tried, often by her own children, she is […]
The Real Paradigm Shift
How shall this be, for I know not man? When Our Lady hears the angel’s words, telling her she is to have a son, this is her only question. How can it be for I know not man? Those words ring out with all the clarity of a pure, vibrant voice, amidst the din of […]
A New Novice On Our Lady’s Day

The community welcomed a new novice today. Matthew Hobbs was clothed with the holy habit and received the name of Br Patrick Mary.