God Needs No Numbers
My eyes are always towards the Lord, for He it is who delivers my feet from the snare. For I am alone and poor (Ps 24). The loneliness of the servant of the Lord is a theme that is quite frequent in Holy Scripture. The common experience of the prophets was that they had a […]
Pilgrimage Arrives At St Patrick’s

Last weekend several members of the community joined His Grace Archbishop Porteous along with a few dozen pilgrims who walked from St John’s Richmond to St Patrick’s Colebrook. The annual pilgrimage is to honour St Patrick. Here the group can be seen after the closing Mass on Sunday afternoon.
The Wisdom Of St Gregory
This Lent I am reading again part of St Gregory’s Morals on Job. I thought I would share a few of his words of wisdom on this Friday in Lent. The saint wonders why God allowed the holy man Job to be so afflicted with evils while the ungodly prosper. Hear his answer and pay […]
Fear Not
Fear not, Joseph, Son of David. Fear not to take Mary your betrothed wife into you home. Fear not, for what is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. Fear not, for you will be as father to this child. Fear not, for you will give Him the Name above all names, the name […]
Transfiguration And Religious Life
There are a number of affinities between the Transfiguration of Our Lord and monastic life. In his apostolic exhortation Vita Consecrata, John Paul II used this event as a sort of paradigm for religious life in general. In it we see the Lord taking a few chosen disciples, singling them out for an event that […]
Under The Shadow Of His Wings
On this first Sunday of Lent, we enter the desert with our beloved Saviour and we take up the arms of our spiritual combat: solitude, silence, fasting. Holy Lent is a time when we intensify our longing for God and our struggle against the powers of darkness. Doing so exposes us more than is the […]
Love Puts Up With It
Holy Mother Church has been warming us up. Two weeks ago on Septuagesima Sunday she reminded us of the seriousness of life: “Many are called but few are chosen…. Run to win!” Last week we read the parable of the sower with its sober reminder that the seed, in order to grow, must fall on […]
The Sower Went Out To Sow His Seed
This Gospel always reminds me of the Meditation on the Three Classes or Groups of Men in the Spiritual Exercises. To refresh our memories, the meditation is situated in the middle of the Second Week when the retreatant is on the verge of making his discernment concerning the choice of a state of life. He […]
Two Years On And We’re Still Here…

Two years ago today, Notre Dame Priory was founded. We were blessed today with the visit of Archbishop Julian who came to spend several hours with us, speaking to each brother individually and the community as a whole. We give thanks to Our Lord and our Blessed Mother for so any graces given over the […]