Judge Not Before The Time
On this last Sunday of Advent, as the nova nativitas of Our Blessed Lord looms mighty before us, Holy Mother Church invites us to prepare for judgment. Indeed, in the mind of the Church, preparation for Christmas is preparation for the Second Coming of the Lord, it is preparation for death. If we are ready […]
Clothing Of Br John Baptist Mary
Father Henry, How fitting it is that you petition to enter the monastery as a novice during this holy season of Advent, the time of the year during which, more than others, we are focused on the coming of Our Lord, waiting anxiously for His arrival, beseeching Him to return without delay, to save us […]
An Historic Event In Tasmania

This morning St Patrick’s Church in Colebrook witnessed what was probably the first ceremony of professions of Benedictine monks in Tasmanian history. Father Prior received the first vows of Brother Bede Mary Cannavo, Brother Gregory Mary Hobbs, and Brother Joseph Mary McMahon, in the presence of Archbishop Julian Porteous who presided in the choir. The […]
Homily At Mass Of Simple Professions For Brothers Bede, Gregory And Joseph
8 December 2018, Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady Your Grace, Reverend Fathers, Brothers in St Benedict, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Today, the rod has sprung up out of the root of Jesse; today, Mary is conceived without sin; today, by her, the head of the ancient serpent is crushed”. Such are […]
Flee To The Mountain
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. Today’s Gospel, on this last Sunday of the liturgical year, brings before our eyes the revealed spectacle of the end of the world. Even science tells us that there will one day be a disruption of the harmony that now reigns in […]
Thoughts Of Peace
“My thoughts are thoughts of peace”. Holy Mother Church puts these words on our lips and repeats them over and over again as we reach the end of the liturgical year. Salvation begins with the peace which the angels sang over Bethlehem, and it ends with the eternal reign of the Prince of Peace. The […]
Walking With Christ The King

Father Prior took part, for the second time, in the annual Christus Rex Pilgrimage from Ballarat Cathedral to Bendigo Cathedral. Pilgrims reached a record 400 and bore witness before the world of the kingship of Our Lord.
Why Are You Fearful?
Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith? There is something astounding in these words. The apostles are with Our Lord in a boat tossed around by waves to the point that they are about to capsize. Their lives are in danger. They turn to the One they know will not fail. They wake […]
A Visitor From Flavigny

Father Jean Marie Pommarès, one of the elder monks of the abbey of Flavigny is among us for six weeks. Father Prior invited him to come and share some of his vast knowledge with the novices. He is giving classes on monastic history and the psalms, along with an occasional interlude explaining the history and […]