Seeing The Fruit

So many people contributed to our purchase of Jerusalem Estate but many did so ‘site unseen’. So for the recent visit of Cardinal Burke, we launched our video of the property. It’s a very simple effort which, in time we will no doubt perfect, but we wanted to get it to you as soon as […]
2018 Christmas Cards

2018 Christmas Cards Dear friends, We have recently relaunched our Monk Shop as an online shop. We have some beautiful Christmas cards for sale that have been designed and made by us, with several of them featuring artwork by one of our own monks. All the profit from the sale of these cards goes toward […]
An Eminent Visit

We were blessed with a brief visit from Cardinal Raymond Burke on Friday. His Eminence was in between conferences in New Zealand and confirmations in Melbourne, and he found time to pay us a visit. May God bless his good heart for coming this far and sharing words of encouragment!
Job, Christ And The Church
“There was a man in the land of Hus, whose name was Job, simple, and upright, and fearing God: whom Satan besought that he might tempt: and power was given him from the Lord over his possessions and his flesh; and he destroyed all his substance and his children; and wounded his flesh also with […]
Azariah, The Maccabees, And Lepanto
The introit for today’s Mass puts on our lips the dramatic prayer of Azariah in the burning furnace: Blessed art thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and thy name is worthy of praise, and glorious for ever: For thou art just in all that thou hast done to us, and all thy works […]
A New Postulant

The community was blessed yesterday with the entry of a new postulant: Matthew Hobbs, from Brisbane, the younger brother of Br Gregory. Matt has been with us since the beginning of July. He wanted to enter postulancy today on the feast of St Francis who is his confirmation patron saint. St Francis, watch over Matthew […]
Being Different
Today’s Mass readings are all about “being different”. In the epistle, St Paul tells the Ephesians that, now they are converted, they must put on the “new man created in justice and in the holiness of truth”; they must leave behind their former ways which included lying, cheating, dealing harshly and cruelly with others, without […]
Jerusalem Estate Blessed

Archbishop Julian Porteous paid a visit to Jerusalem Estate on Sunday to cast out any hidden devils around the property and beseech God’s abundant blessing up all who shall live here.
Penance And Peace
“Give peace, O Lord, to those who wait for Thee”. So we sing in today’s introit. Waiting for the Lord, hoping in His aid, trusting that He will provide us with all that is needed for our salvation. The Gospel helps us understand what the most important ingredient of peace is: the forgiveness of sins. […]