Grace And Prayer
Today’s oration underlines the need we have of Divine Grace. “May Thy grace, O Lord, always go before us and follow after us, and give us to be intent upon performing good works”. This oration contains in germ all the Church’s teaching on actual grace. Actual grace could be defined as that created spiritual gift […]
Learning To Hate The Sin
Some time ago I ran across a poem composed by Blessed John Henry Newman entitled “Zeal and Love”. As I read it, I thought: “Wow, this is just what we need in the present age”. I resolved to post it then, but waited. With recent events in the Church, I think today that it will […]
St Benedict And The Liturgy As Opus Dei
Talk given at St Benedict’s Parish/Notre Dame University, Sydney, Thursday 30 August 2018 God’s work and ours Reading the Rule of St Benedict for the first time, one might be surprised to encounter a recurring expression whose meaning is not at first sight obvious. St Benedict refers often to the “work of God”, in Latin, Opus Dei. The […]
44 Women Conclude Exercises At Hartzer Park

Following upon last week’s men’s retreat, another, even larger group, this time of women were able to do the 3-day Exercises concluding yesterday.
41 Brave Cold For First Winter Retreat

Father Prior along with four of the brethren as well as Fr John Dupré from Flavigny are in the middle of men’s retreat at Hartzer Park Retreat Centre in Burradoo, NSW. 41 men are taking part in this event, the first one ever to be organised in the winter months. Here is a photo taken […]
Glory To The Queen Of Heaven!

It’s settled – Jerusalem now belongs to Notre Dame Priory! We give thanks to Almighty God and the Immaculate Virgin for leading us this far, and we entrust the future to her. Father Prior and the brethren as well as a few friends enthroned the Sacred Heart and consecrated the community once again to Him […]
God Exalts The Humble And The Chaste
With the entire Church on earth and in Heaven, with all the angels and saints, today we honour the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and our Mother. With hearts overflowing with joy we consider the privilege this humble woman has received in being conceived immaculate, chosen to be Mother of God, and […]
Sub Tuum Praesidium – At Our Lady’s Feet
We are now in the midst of a novena to Our Blessed Mother. It started on the feast of the Transfiguration and will end on the glorious feast of the Assumption. During these days, on which we are also following a retreat guided by Fr Mark Bachmann from Clear Creek, we place ourselves before Our […]
Novena Starts Today

Today we begin a novena to Our Lady, by reciting every day the Litany of Loreto. The intention we bring before the Queen of Heaven is that She intercede for us and bring us to the home she has prepared for us. Please unite your prayers with ours and let us pray with confidence that […]