Monks On Retreat This Week

The community of Notre Dame Priory is on retreat all this week. Fr Mark Bachmann from Clear Creek is giving us a series of conferences based on Dom Paul Delatte’s doctrine of the monastic life. Dom Delatte, who was the third abbot of Solesmes, wrote among other things a massive commentary on the Rule of […]
ACCC Conference

Fr Prior took part last week in the annual conference of the Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (ACCC). The keynote speaker was His Eminence Cardinal Gerhard Müller who was kind enough to pose for a photo with Father. His Eminence gave three outstanding talks, focusing on the role of the priest who continues Christ’s mission […]
A Visit From The Americas

The brethren at Notre Dame Priory are honoured to welcome Fr Mark Bachmann from Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma for a couple weeks. Father will be leading the monks’ first annual retreat from 4 to 11 August.
God’s Tears
The heart-rending scene of today’s Gospel should make us stop and think. Our Beloved Saviour, on the very day of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, is moved to tears; he weeps over the holy city, lamenting her destruction which he foresaw. That terrible event which is recorded in history took place in the year 70 A.D. […]
A Family Photo

This is our most recent community photo taken on the feast of St Benedict, 11 July.
Solomon, Sodom And The Church
At the office of Matins today, Holy Church puts before our eyes the majestic temple built by King Solomon. This edifice, one of the wonders of the ancient world, was a prefiguration of the holy Catholic Church which would be established by the true Solomon, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and would extend its spiritual dominion […]
Of Providence And Fruits
This Sunday’s collect tells us that God’s providence never fails in its disposal of events. Never. Ever. From our very limited perspective, we might sometimes get the impression that something has gone wrong up there, that things should not be as they are. In those moments we need to remind ourselves of this oration and […]
Christopher Dawson Centre Colloquium 28-29 June 2018
Any room for priests, monks and nuns in an atheistic world? Let me begin with a story. It was my first Christmas Eve in Tasmania, at a time when I was doing some of the groundwork in preparation for the monastic foundation the following year. I was going for an early afternoon stroll in Hobart. […]
The Blood That Continues To Flow
Today the traditional Roman Liturgy honours the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The desire of the Church is that we turn our minds and hearts to the contemplation of how much our redemption cost our dear Saviour, and the infinite value of that Blood shed once on Calvary, and daily poured out on […]