Rejoice Jerusalem
Today, Laetare Sunday, Holy Mother Church invites us to rejoice. You who till now were in the sadness of penitential practices, rejoice now, for we have reached the middle of our Lenten observance and the paschal solemnities are just a step away. How can we be joyful in a world that offers so much bad […]
Go To Joseph!
Today we start the novena for the feast of St Joseph. Each evening after Vespers we will sing the Litany of St Joseph, and we invite you to join with us, for all the needs of our community as well as for the intentions of our benefactors. As a reminder here is the text of […]
Recollection In Caulfield

Last weekend Father Prior was invited to hold a Lenten recollection at Blessed John Henry Newman Parish in Caulfield. The event was well attended and sparked renewed interest in our community. Father Prior offered two solemn Masses, one last Saturday and one last Sunday. Here he is shown with the parish priest, Fr Glen Tattersall.
Eyes Always To The Lord
Oculi mei semper ad Dominum, says the psalmist in today’s introit. My eyes are always turned towards the Lord, for He it is who will deliver me from the snares of my enemies. I am alone and poor, but the Lord is with me. It is through the eyes that images are received into our […]
And He Was Transfigured Before Them…
St Leo the Great, among others, tells us that the disciples were allowed to see Our Lord transfigured in order to strengthen their minds and hearts, so that when they would see Him in agony and handed over to evildoers, they would not lose faith and hope. The Lord deals with His faithful souls in […]
One Year Ago

One year ago today a crowd of friends were with us in St Patrick’s Church, Colebrook, to inaugurate this new community life in Tasmania. Today, we give thanks for the blessings of the past year. First of all, for the fact that we are still here! There were six of us then. There are eight […]
Of Dust, Ashes And Fire
One week ago, Holy Mother Church reminded us that we are but dust and to dust we shall return. In doing this, she sprinkled our heads with ashes made from last year’s palms. The ashes are therefore the produce of fire, but they are used with words that remind us of the dust of the […]
Ladies Retreat At Hartzer Park

There were 37 of them to take part in the 3 day spiritual exercises that conclude today. Well, to tell the truth, there were two others: a couple of the retreatants were accompanied by infants in utero. (Not detectable in the photo!)
Sydney Pilgrimage

Last Sunday, in between two retreats, Fr Prior, accompanied by Fr John from Flavigny, and three of our novices, made a double pilgrimage to Sydney. First to the tomb of St Mary of the Cross, secondary patroness of our community. The monks spent a good amount of time in prayer there, asking her protection and […]