“Missus Est”, A Day Of Grace

Today, Ember Wednesday in Advent, the liturgy invites us to turn our gaze to the Immaculate Virgin receiving from the archangel Gabriel the announce of the Saviour, and asking her to consent to God’s amazing plan in her life. The story we know, but each day we need to renew our faith in a God […]
I Say It Again: Rejoice!
Holy Mother Church reminds us today of those dear words of the Apostle St Paul: “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, Rejoice… For the Lord is near”… Joy, real joy, is a rare commodity nowadays. It seems that there is a strict proportion between an increase in pleasures of the senses and the […]
And The Move Begins…

The monks of Notre Dame have decided to join the Holy Family in their journey to Bethlehem, although in this part of the world, Bethlehem is called Rhyndaston! Below are some shots of the monks on the move.
What Will He Find?
Advent is upon us, and the liturgy of this Sunday invites to reflect carefully upon the end times, when Jesus Our Lord will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. What will He find when He returns? Will He find a people living in His love and awaiting joyfully his return? Or […]
He Knew What He Would Do
In today’s Gospel we have St John’s account of the second multiplication of loaves in which the only matter available are five barley loaves and two fish. Not much for the great multitude who were coming to Jesus. St John tells us explicitly that Jesus knew very well what He would do, but He put […]
Exhortation At Clothing Ceremony
Beloved Sons, Tomas, Alec, David and Graham, Today we honour the Presentation of the Immaculate Virgin Mary in the Temple of Jerusalem. On such an auspicious day, you come to present yourselves to serve in the house of the Lord which is a Benedictine Monastery. To such men as yourselves our holy Father St Benedict […]
Four New Novices

This afternoon Notre Dame Priory celebrated the clothing ceremony of its first four novices, Brother Bede Mary (Tomas Cannavo), Brother Gregory Mary (Alec Hobbs), Brother Joseph Mary (David McMahon) and Brother Bernard Mary (Graham Leach). The community was blessed with the presence of Archbishop Porteous who officiated pontifical Vespers, immediately before the ceremony during which […]
Of Mustard Seed And Leaven
A mustard seed is very small, and yet, when it grows it turns into a large plant resembling a small tree. The Lord uses this imagery, which would have been very familiar to his listeners, to get across a very important point: God, and all that comes from God in our faith, enters discreetly into […]
God Is Not Mocked
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Living in the Spirit signifies living of the life of grace which Christ Our Lord has merited for us and which we receive through the Church and the Sacraments. Walking in the Spirit signifies living up to and putting into practice the far-reaching demands of […]