Touching The Hem

Today’s Gospel presents a moving scene: a woman who had been suffering with an internal hemorrhage for 12 years, makes her way through the crowd, approaches the Lord from behind, and manages somehow, in spite of the crowd pressing in on every side, to touch the hem of His garment. She was thinking: “If I […]
A Gift From Our Holy Father St Benedict

Upcoming visitors to the priory are in for a sight: Today on the solemnity of Our Holy Father St Benedict, our four postulants donned their newly made postulant habits. These are essentially a short habit going down to mid-thigh. It allows them to gradually get used to wearing distinctive religious garb and prepares them for […]
The Day Of Jesus Christ
Twice in today’s epistle mention is made of the “day of Christ Jesus”. What is this “day”? In the light of the Church’s teaching on the social Kingship of Christ, that is, that He is King of the entire created order and of each person taken individually and of societies as a whole (teaching which, […]
And Back To Tassie, Via La Belle France…

Father Prior has made his way back to Tasmania since Sunday afternoon. Having completed the retreat in Wales and the two retreats in Ireland, he went to the Abbey of Flavigny for two days where he was warmly welcomed by the abbot and community. The 6th of July was the 15th anniversary of his ordination […]
Reflections On A Pilgrimage
I was blessed to take part last weekend in the Christus Rex pilgrimage for the first time. It was a time of grace, and I am thankful to the organisers. More than once, I found myself thinking of those who began this 27 years ago. It even came to me that perhaps our monastic foundation […]
Fr Prior’s Retreat

Fr Prior will be going to the Abbey of Randol on 2 November for an eight day retreat with the monks. He asks for your prayers, especially as this retreat will be his final preparation for the imminent foundation of Notre Dame Priory in Tasmania. After the retreat, he will drive down to Lourdes in […]
Redeeming The Time
In today’s epistle we find this somewhat strange expression from the hand of St Paul: “See how you walk circumspectly, not as unwise, but as wise; redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph 5:15). That the days are evil is no secret; just about every day bad news reaches our ears, even tucked […]
Sunday Masses In Colebrook

For the past few weeks, our Sunday Masses have been supplemented by organ pieces played by postulant Tomas on the lovely pipe organ in St Patrick’s Church. It adds a valuable dimension to our liturgical prayer for which we, and our occasional guests, are most grateful.
It’s All About A Wedding
Why does God like weddings? Why does Holy Scripture begin with the wedding of Adam and Eve? Why does it end with the wedding feast of the Lamb in the Apocalypse? Why does Our Lord’s first miracle take place at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee? All these questions are relevant if we want […]