Garden Bed On The Way…

After the cleanup of their Rhyndaston property, the monks have officially started doing something constructive. This is a raised garden bed in the making. More to come, we hope…
Those Who Are For Us Are Stronger Than Those Who Are Against Us
This month of October brings back memories of decisive victories of the Christian people over those who would wipe her out from the face of the earth. It also gives us the most powerful weapon we can use, namely, the Holy Rosary of Our Lady. Again and again, Mary has given victory over evil using […]
Monk Shop

In an effort to provide for the subsistence of our small community, we have just added a new button to this website, called “Monk Shop”. You will find there the beginnings of what we hope will one day provide for the community. This month’s featured novelty is the “Kitchen Rosary” which we hope will increase […]
The Forgotten Days
This week, the third of September, the traditional Roman calendar has us celebrate what are known as the “Ember Days”. These are essentially days of prayer and fasting, recurring four times a year (whence their Latin name of “Quattuor Temporum”), and destined to sanctify the four seasons of the year. These celebrations are among the […]
A Valued Gift

Through the intermediary of our good friend Brian Andrews, we received from Nick Beveridge in New Zealand this fabulous Pugin chasuble which we used for the first time yesterday on the feast of the holy apostle St Matthew. May Our Blessed Lady reward the kindness of such generous benefactors, and may we always make good […]
The Joy Of Suffering
It’s a paradox, one that has to be experienced to understand: suffering leads to joy. Our Lord Himself gives us the example in embracing His passion and death. It all started in the Garden of Eden when our first parents sinned. They chose to be fooled by the Enemy into putting themselves before God, lifting […]
One Day Better Than A Thousand
One day in Thy vestibules is better than a thousand elsewhere. (Ps 83) Such are the words Holy Mother Church puts on our lips at the beginning of today’s Mass. Better one single day in the Lord’s house, even at its threshold, than a thousand in the tents of the worldly rich. A gaze of […]
The Work Goes On…

The past few weeks have seen ongoing progress at Margarita, all in preparation for the real (building) work to come, soon we hope.
Saint Regina, A Virgin Conquers Caesar…
Today, 7 September, is the feast of St Regina, a young virgin martyr from Alise-Sainte Reine, France, just a few miles from Flavigny-sur-Ozerain where I spent 32 years of my life. St Regina is dearly loved by the monks of Flavigny, the main reason being that her relics were kept and guarded by the monks […]