The Good Samaritan And The Longing For Eternal Life
Today the traditional Roman liturgy has us read the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan. It also happens to be the Sunday on which, here in Tasmania, our Archbishop has asked his priests to preach on the Catholic doctrine of marriage, in view of the upcoming plebiscite vote on what is wrongly called “same-sex marriage”. […]
What Happened To The Tree? And The Briers?…

By dint of hard work, the brothers have managed to get rid of the huge tree that had been left near the small house at “The Pearl”. A recent photo showed Father Prior with the chainsaw. Well, for the time being, Father Prior is out of work (or rather, the chainsaw is!, Father Prior never […]
What Our Conscience Fears
Today’s oration, 11th Sunday after Pentecost, petitions God to “dismiss what our conscience fears and to add what our prayer dares not ask”. What does our conscience fear if not sin? When we take a look back, we can sometimes feel fear at the thought of the evil we have done, the people we have […]
The Triumph Of Our Mother
The Assumption is, historically and liturgically, the greatest feast of Our Lady, for in this mystery we celebrate and honour her definitive glorification, body and soul, in Heaven. It is a feast dear to all Catholic hearts, for the honour of the Mother redounds upon her children. It gives us great joy to know that […]
St Maximilian And The Immaculata
It was no accident that St Maximilian Kolbe achieved his long martyrdom on the vigil of the Assumption. He was one Our Lady’s greatest devotees, had served to promote her honour like few saints have done, and deserved finally to be admitted to enter Heaven for the greatest of her feasts. To help us enter […]
Refuge Of Sinners
Today in some places Our Lady is honoured as the “refuge of sinners”. And it so happens that today’s gospel (10th Sunday after Pentecost) presents us with the perfect attitude of those who wish to find refuge in her Immaculate Heart. The pharisee of our gospel is the epitome of the person who thinks he […]
Good-Bye To The Kia

Last Friday, the community said good-bye to the 8-seat Kia that it had been renting from the archdiocese since the beginning of the foundation. Father Prior was reminded of the early days at the end of last year when this car accompanied his baby steps in Tasmania and wishes her a bright future. The need […]
Work Begins At The Pearl

Since 26 July the community has started clearing things out on their new property. Until we can get a large enough house built there, the plan is to go out once a week to tend to various needs around the land and prepare it to receive its monks.
Virgin Most Powerful
In these days which lead up to the glorious feast of Our Lady’s Assumption, it is good for us to reflect upon some of the invocations found in the tradition of the Church and particularly in the Litany of Loreto. The past couple days I have been meditating on the invocation “Virgo Potens”, often translated […]