De Maria Numquam Satis
May is the month of Mary, and “of Mary one can never say enough”. It is all the more true when May coincides with paschal tide, as it always does and therefore with the victory of Jesus over death. Yesterday morning at the Priory we celebrated the Saturday Mass of Our Lady, and I pointed out […]
Never Mary Without Joseph

Saturday 13 May will also be remembered as the day on which we received a lovely statue of St Joseph, offered by some generous benefactors from Northern Tasmania. We blessed the statue after the consecration to Our Lady, and he will henceforth, with his Immaculate Spouse, preside over the destiny of our community. The photo […]
Consecration Of Notre Dame Priory To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Saturday 13 May 2017 Centenary Of The First Apparitions At Fatima
O Virgin most pure, Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mother of God and Mother of each one of us. Thou who, at the Wedding Feast of Cana, didst manifest Thy maternal Heart, revealing to us the compassion Thou hast for all our needs, moving us to turn to Jesus, and commanding us to do […]
Visitation From His Lordship

On Friday 12 May, Notre Dame Priory received a distinguished episcopal visitor in the person of the Most Reverend Geoffrey Jarrett, Bishop emeritus of Lismore. Bishop Jarrett, a longtime supporter of the project of an Australian Benedictine foundation, was in Hobart to take part in the internment ceremony of Bishop Robert William Willson, first bishop […]
Our Lady’s Special Day

Today is the centenary of the first apparition of Mother Mary to the children of Fatima. It is also the centenary of the episcopal consecration of Eugenio Pacelli who would later endow her with a very beautiful Mass to honour her Immaculate Heart. On this day, two significant events have taken place in Tasmania. First […]
Visitation From Our Lady

On the morning of 11 May, Notre Dame Priory was graced with a visit from its mistress and queen, Our Lady herself, under the guise of the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima. She was brought to us by Fr Gerard Ryan in company of Maree Triffett. Fr Gerard of the Confraternity of Christ […]
Holy Land Journal

25 April, 2017 St Mark Greetings from Jerusalem! I arrived, safe and sound, but quite a bit exhausted after about 38 hours of travel. Upon arrival at Christmas Hotel in Jerusalem, I went in search of a place to offer Holy Mass. Fr John had suggested going to the Holy Sepulchre. But on the way […]
Why Me?

About a year ago, my good friend Roy Schoeman invited me to be chaplain for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Me? I must say such a grace always seemed to me to be a dream that would never be realised. And here I was being offered out of the blue a free pilgrimage on […]
Goodbye To The Holy Land!

Fr Prior has just completed a 12-day pilgrimage in the Holy Land and will soon be back at the Priory. Some photos and commentaries will be shared soon under the “From the Prior” tab.