Faith And Mercy
The Octave of Easter, traditionally known as “White Sunday” because of the white garments of the neophytes which were then laid aside as they went out to proclaim their newfound faith to the world, is in our day more popularly known as Mercy Sunday, thanks to the revelations of Our Lord to St Faustina Kowalska. […]
A Sisterly Visit In Easter Week

The community of Notre Dame Priory was pleased this past week to receive a visit from the Sisters of the Immaculata, a community of fervent young women dedicating their lives to prayer and parish work. They came to us amidst the joy of our paschal celebrations, inspiring us with deeper love for our Risen Saviour […]
Christmas In A Stable And Easter In A Shearing Shed…

The community of Notre Dame Priory got a taste of what it was like for the Holy Family to spend the first Christmas in a stable — due to our distance from Colebrook and the difficulty involved in going back and forth, we decided to spend Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday in a shearing shed […]
Christopher Dawson Lecture
Lecture delivered today at the Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies, Hobart, Tasmania. The Benedictine Contribution to Western Christianity First of all, I am no historian. So, when Dr Daintree was so kind as to ask me to deliver this lecture, after giving it some thought, I suggested having a look at the Benedictine contribution […]
The Dawson Lecture

This evening Father Prior was invited to deliver a lecture for the Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies in Hobart. The topic was The Benedictine Contribution to Western Christianity. The aspirants joined Father for this talk at which among others, were present His Grace Archbishop Porteous and the president of the Centre, Doctor David Daintree. […]
Passion Sunday: Hodie, Si Vocem Eius Audieritis — Today, If You Hear His Voice…
Today if you hear His voice, harden not your hearts. This verse from psalm 94 which is recited everyday at the beginning of Matins, takes on new significance during Passiontide. Our Holy Mother the Church, by making of this verse the invitatory during this holy season, seems to be wanting to evoke two sentiments in us. […]
Fiat, From Annunciation To Calvary
According to Tradition, 25 March is both the beginning and the end of the earthly existence of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Conceived on this day in the immaculate womb of Mary, He also expired on the cross on Good Friday some 33 years later (that’s why it’s also the feast day today of the good […]
High Tea With His Grace

Today our small community was delighted to welcome our beloved Archbishop for “High Tea”. This is the first time His Grace was able to come and spend a good amount of time with us since our installation here in Lindisfarne. After a brief tour of the recently renovated house, our temporary home, we treated our […]
Scienter Nescius Et Sapienter Indoctus.
Today is for all Benedictine monks and nuns around the world a day of joy and celebration, it being the “transitus” or passing of our holy Father St Benedict to the joys of Heaven. Standing in the oratory, surrounded by his brethren, having received the Sacred Body of His Lord, St Benedict gave back his […]