Of Contagion And Joy
Laetare Sunday “ Rejoice, you who were sad” How can we rejoice with the news that reaches us every day of more deaths, more infections, cancelled Masses, closed borders, crashing economy, etc? Is it really possible to rejoice in this situation? The Church’s answer is an emphatic and resounding YES! It is also a command. […]
Lessons From St Benedict
St Benedict “ God loves a cheerful giver” On this day on which we celebrate the the passing of our Holy Father St Benedict to eternal life, I propose to ask our glorious Patriarch for three graces linked with three aspects of his life. First of all, St Benedict, from a very young age – […]
Being Importunate With St Joseph
St Joseph “ Fear not – take Mary” When the angel appeared in that dream, it would be impossible to describe the state of anguish the good St Joseph had been through. He had come to the most difficult decision of his life, that to leave Our Blessed Lady. The thought, even for us, is […]
Polding Walk

Yesterday, Fr Prior was privileged to take part in the Polding Walk, an annual pilgrimage that goes from St Thomas of Canterbury in Lewisham where Archbishop John Bede Polding was interred at the time of his death (16 March 1877) to the the crypt of St Mary’s Cathedral where he now lies in expectation of […]
My Eyes Always To The Lord!
Third Sunday in Lent “My eyes are always towards the Lord” The opening words of today’s Mass, taken from Psalm 24, give us the remedy for all our ills. Trials we must have, sufferings we must bear, delays we must put up with, persecutions we must encounter: in the midst of it all, the secret […]
Novena To St Joseph 10-18 March

Today the community began its annual novena to prepare for the feast of St Joseph who is our secondary patron after Our Lady of Cana. We entrust to him in particular all the material needs of the community, but are also mindful of the fact that he is the special patron of Holy Church which […]
Leave All To Find All
Second Sunday in Lent “Keep us inwardly and outwardly” Today’s oration bears witness to that realism so characteristic of the ancient Roman liturgy: the composite being that is our human nature has need to be kept in both its facets: interiorly, our soul, created in the image and likeness of God because of its three-fold […]
“Sad, But Always Rejoicing”
First Sunday in Lent “Sad, but always rejoicing” Today’s liturgy presents to us the spiritual combat of which Our Blessed Lord Himself gives us the example in His 40 days in the desert. After his long fast, he was tired and weak, and the devil came at that precise moment, thinking to win an easy […]
First Tonsures

This afternoon, His Grace Archbishop Porteous conferred tonsure on three of our brothers, Brothers Bede, Gregory and Joseph. We give thanks to God for this first step in their journey in service to the altar.