Final Retreat In Brisbane

Our final retreat for this summer session in Brisbane found 22 men gathered together in Mercy Place from 14 to 19th February. The final day coincided with Sexagesima Sunday, on which the Lord expounds to us the parable of the sower of the seed. We pray that this retreat has sowed some good seeds and […]
Divine Complementarity
We have received O God Thy mercy in the midst of thy temple. These words of psalm 47 which ring out on the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord celebrated on the 2nd of this month are most appropriate as we offer thanks for the untold graces received over the past few weeks during […]
And Off To Brisbane

Fr Prior, in company with Fr John, just spent several days in Hobart to oversee preparations for foundation day. It was Fr John’s first time to Tasmania. Unfortunately the time was limited, and he did not get very far (just up to the top of Mount Wellington! See photo). But we hope he shall return. […]
And Yet Another Grace-Filled Retreat

The fourth and final Hartzer Park retreat has just ended, with 43 ladies participating. It was a fitting conclusion to an intense month for us, with many joys and many challenges. We offer thanks to Our Lady for leading us at each step and for helping us share something of what we have received with […]
An American’s First Australia Day

My first Australia day was spent with Fr John and a fine group of 33 retreatants in Hartzer Park. Every retreat reminds us that an authentic conversion to the truly Christian way of life incites us to rise from the ashes of past sins, and move forward on the path to eternal life. Many of […]
If Thou Wilt, Thou Canst…
Today’s Gospel reminds us of one of the most fundamentally consoling truths of our faith: it is enough for Jesus to will our conversion and sanctification for it to be done, provided we ask Him sincerely to do so. “If Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean”, prayed the leper. The Lord willed, and the […]
Refreshments In The Heart

Yesterday, a group of 29 men finished a five-day retreat at Hartzer Park centre. The heat was excessive the first couple days, but during confessions on the second afternoon, the temperature went down suddenly about 20 degrees. Coincidence? Perhaps. But I couldn’t refrain from reminding the group that we pray to the Holy Spirit in […]
Our Lady Of Cana And Her Daughters

Today we complete our first three-day retreat for ladies here at Hartzer Park, Bowral, NSW. Divine Providence has so willed that this retreat coincide with the patronal feast of Notre Dame Priory. We give thanks to her for all the many graces received over the last few days, and we entrust to her maternal protection […]
Monks And Wine
Every now and then when I meet someone and we speak of the new foundation in Tasmania, I am asked if the monks will make wine. The pragmatic answer is something like: “Who knows? Possibly. Tasmania produces some excellent quality wines, and it might be worth looking into”. The enigmatic answer would be more like: […]