Not Knowing Where He Would Go
Quinquagesima Sunday “Behold we go up to Jerusalem” As we prepare to enter the threshold of Lent, Holy Mother Church reminds us of the goal: we are heading to Calvary, and through Calvary, to the Resurrection. As we do so, two precious lessons are given to us. The first is presented in the story of […]
Profession Of Br Francisco Maria De Brito

On this third anniversary of the foundation of Notre Dame Priory, the community had the immense joy of celebrating the simple profession of Br Francisco. The only member of the community from Western Australia, Brother brings to the community a great love for Mary Immaculate, and – less importantly, though not without significance for a […]
Although You Have Not Seen Him, You Love Him
Chair of St Peter Simple profession of Br Francisco Maria De Brito Who do you say that I am? Dear Brother Francisco, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Three years ago today, in this very same church, we celebrated the inaugural Mass with which our monastic community dedicated to Our Lady of Cana came into […]
When I Am Weak, Then Am I Powerful
Sexagesima Sunday “Perfect Thou my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps be not moved” (Psalm 16) In a few moments, this is the verse we will sing during the offertory. In a way, it summarises everything the very rich office of this Sunday offers to our reflexion. This morning at Matins we were reminded […]
The Opiate Of Theologians
Septuagesima Sunday “Run that you may win” As every author knows, introductions and conclusions are crucial points of any composition. Today’s Mass and office, which are an introduction to the Easter cycle of the liturgical year, rise to the task in exemplary fashion. The texts, admirably chosen and chiselled to perfection, make them truly some […]
Keep The Flame Alive
Purification of Our Lady There was a man named Simeon; this man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel. Today’s feast, which is one of light and hope, recalls the historical event of the presentation of the Child Jesus, when he was 40 days old, in the Temple of Jerusalem, as well […]
Summer Retreats At Hartzer Park

Brothers Gregory, Joseph and Francisco joined Fr Prior for the customary summer retreats at Hartzer Park. Two groups of 29, first the men for the five day session and then the women for the three day version, enjoyed some pleasant though somewhat warm weather. Between the two retreats, they visited Maternal Heart Chapel in Lewisham […]
The Fire That Preserves
Today’s Gospel passage ends with Our Lord saying to the Roman centurion: Go and let it be done to thee as thou hast believed. It is the faith of this pagan soldier that is rewarded, faith which stunned Our Lord: Not in all of Israel had He found such. Not in all Israel! So often […]
The Line Of Command
First Sunday after Epiphany, Holy Family His parents did not know. And they understood not the words He spoke to them. In today’s holy Gospel, these two sentences should give us great courage and hope. It should not surprise us that the conduct of Our Lord surprises us. He is God, and we should only […]