The Providence That Never Fails Those Who Love
The best commentary of this week’s oration which contains that magnificent and ever consoling expression, “Deus cuius providentia … non fallitur – God, whose providence never fails”, must certainly be St Paul’s words to the Romans: “we know that to them that love God all things work together unto good” (Rom 8:28). How consoling is […]
The Greater Love
During the Discourse after the Last Supper, Our Blessed Lord gave us the sign at which His true disciples can be recognised: At this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. That fraternal love is exemplified in today’s Gospel in which Our Lord, repeating but perfecting […]
Solemnity Of St Benedict

Vir Dei Benedictus, so we sing in today’s liturgy. Benedict was indeed a man of God, a man sent by God, a man intent on God, a man whose whole life was about and for God. And this is perhaps the first thing Benedict has to teach the world today. There is a God who […]
Duc In Altum
Put out into the deep The fickleness of our human nature is such that we all too often content ourselves with the superficial, the facade, the appearances. It takes effort to move beyond, to enter into the depths of our heart, to “put out into the deep” waters of real and authentic spirituality, to accept […]
Inebriated With The Spirit

These men are not drunk, given it is but the third hour of the day. Thanks to these words of St Peter we know the precise time of day of the descent of the Holy Spirit: the third hour, the hour of Terce, that is, according to our modern reckoning, nine o’clock in the morning. […]
First Victorian Women’s Retreat

22 women are in the process of finishing up a three day retreat at Pallotti College. The brothers will be making their way back home tonight by the Spirit of Tasmania.
First Victorian Men’s Retreat

15 men are in the process of finishing up our first ever retreat in Victoria. Pallotti College, Millgrove, has been in many ways an ideal setting. Fr Prior, accompanied by Brothers Bede and Joseph and postulant Xavier, is guiding the group through the five day Exercises, interspersed with hours of the Divine Office.
Victorian Expedition

Four monks are currently spending the next 10 days at Pallotti College, Millgrove giving our very first retreats in Victoria. Please keep the monks and retreatants in your prayers over the coming days, that their souls may all be open to the special graces God intends to give during this time of retreat.
Fr Charbel In Tasmania

Fr Charbel from the abbey of Ste Madeleine, Le Barroux, France, is spending a few weeks with the community. This is Father’s first time in Tasmania (we hope there will be many more to come!).