The Feast Of Hope

The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 40 days after Easter, should fill us with great joy and confidence. We know that Our Lord took the long, hard road to glory. We know that He was plunged into the depths of the most excruciating sufferings and desolation, humiliated even into the very bowels of the […]
Idleness Is The Enemy Of The Soul…

Rest assured, dear friends, the monks have not been idle since Easter! In addition to the daily manual work at Jerusalem Estate, we (along with our visiting monk from Le Barroux, Fr Charbel) had another long work day today, making further headway into preparing the Old House and its surrounds for moving in. A big […]
Why The World Cannot Receive Him
The great solemnity of the Holy Spirit is upon us, and we ask the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity to deign to come into our hearts, bringing His Light, His Peace, His Fortitude, His Consolation. But before this can happen, we must first receive the grace of conversion which brings with it the grace […]
Patience Obtains All Things
I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. With these words of today’s Gospel, Our Blessed Lord wishes to help us understand the ways of God. God is not like man. Man is weak, and because he is weak, he seeks feverishly to amass knowledge and wealth. God […]
Just A Little While

Just a little while, and I will see you again. These words are without a doubt some of the most consoling in the Holy Gospel, designed as they are to ward off that most deadly of temptations: give up and turn back. Our human frailty is such that we all too often listen to those […]
St Joseph’s Magnum Opus

Today the Church honours St Joseph under the title of “Worker”. In the face of the Communist ideology of human work as a means to temporal prosperity and conquest, reducing human work to just another cog in the great wheel of evolutionary “progress”, the Church through Pope Pius XII wanted to remind us that the […]
Lest We Forget

To mark ANZAC day, the 25th of April, the monks chanted the Subvenite, a responsory usually sung upon receiving the news of the death of a Benedictine monk or friend of the monastery. May Our Lord grant eternal rest to all those who have given their lives for our country. Requiescant in pace. “Subveníte […]
Quasimodo Geniti Infantes
Today’s oration has us ask the Lord that, having celebrated the paschal solemnities, we may keep them in our way of living, moribus et vita. Yesterday, a similar oration asked that having celebrated the paschal solemnities, we might attain to eternal joys, gaudia aeterna. Easter is truly the celebration of eternity, eternal life. This it […]
Everything Can Change At Easter

The wicked had just achieved the most devastating victory in history. The Son of God had been defeated. He was dead. He was gone. And with him all hope of anything good ever happening again. There was nothing to do but despair. No wonder the two disciples go off to Emmaus to try and drown […]