St Cecilia October Triduum

St Cecilia October Triduum

3-5 October 2024

October is the month of the Holy Rosary and of the Holy Angels. There is obviously an affinity between Our Lady and the Holy Angels. Mother Mary is the most angelic of all saints, the one whose purity and holiness is most like that of the angels. But, though not an angel, she is even more “angelic” than they are! The Queen of the Holy Rosary is the Queen of Angels. They look up to her as to their sovereign and obey her every command. It is consoling to know that our sweet Mother’s care for each of us individually is seconded by the care of the holy Angels, and in particular by our Guardian Angels. In our fight to maintain the faith and promote a return to a Catholic way of life, we have their constant help, and they inspire us to worship God in all sincerity, to make of our lives an offering to His glory, and to work hard for the restoration of God’s Kingdom throughout the world.

Let’s never omit to pray the Holy Rosary daily. It has long been one of our most powerful spiritual weapons. It has won so many graces and conquered so many enemies. Its power lies in the capacity it has, on the one hand to touch the Heart of God by means of the prayers that He Himself inspired, and on the other, to inspire us to imitate the mysteries of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ that we meditate while saying the sweet Hail Marys, or as Pope John Paul II used to say, “as we contemplate the life of Christ through the eyes of His Mother”. The mysteries of the life of Christ carry with them every spiritual grace. In times of trial, they are our quickest, safest and strongest refuge.

The month of October is also the month of the Maccabees, those valiant warriors who resisted the transformation of the Chosen People into a pagan nation, many of whom paid for their resistance with their lives, all of whom inspire us to wage war with all spiritual enemies by bringing back the true faith to our homes and parishes.  Today, we face many enemies who want to take God away from our world, from those who are overtly pagan and want to deprive us of the most fundamental Christian virtues of honesty, purity and integrity, to those who pretend to be Christian but compromise with the world and with error. Do not be afraid. Do not compromise. God Himself fights for us with and through Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and all the holy Angels. Our cause is true, and it will prevail!